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8 Common Email Marketing Mistakes

Written by Realty Times Staff Posted On Monday, 23 May 2016 13:29

While Email Marketing is not as new as Social Media and other digital channels, it's still one of the most powerful and lucrative ways for agents to generate leads, get listings, and close more sales. It may not sound as "sexy" as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but savvy agents who know what they're doing can get great results. On average, over the past 3 years, every $1 spent on email marketing has brought in a return of over $30.

One reason behind email's massive success is that "inbox-checking" is as addictive as video games, and it's very personal. If someone is waiting for an important business update, or to hear from a friend, it almost always comes via email, which is one of the main reasons people tend to be glued to their devices all day.

What's the catch? As mentioned earlier, you just need to know what you're doing. Here are 8 common mistakes agents make when they create email content. If you avoid these and follow email marketing best practices, you can leverage your campaign for maximum results, including lead generation, new listings, and more:

1. They offer promotional content with no real value. Your email's main function may be to promote, but readers are wary of sales jargon. Instead of a hard sell, offer useful information that benefits their lives, like how to spruce up their yard, or an update on local real estate trends.

2. Generic or cliché subject lines. We're bombarded with emails all day, and we delete almost all of them. To survive the "delete massacre", your email needs a subject line that's original, stands out, and builds curiosity. Try asking a question ("Why are home sales up in June?"), making a promise ("Have a lush green front yard in January"), or offering ultra-specific advice ("3 Inexpensive ways to boost your home's value in under a week").

3. Not enough newsletter-style updates. Many agents only send an email if there's a new listing to announce. Big mistake. You should also send a monthly newsletter about recent successes, like your agency's home sales over the past quarter. It will show what you can do for THEM, without a hard sell. And since homeowners like to know their home's value, they will want to read about current market trends.

4. Erratic, unpredictable schedule. People like consistency. If they don't hear from you in a few weeks, and then suddenly get bombarded with emails, they may not appreciate it. It may be once a week or even once a month, just have a schedule, and stick with it, so people know what to expect.

5. They're afraid of long emails. Contrary to conventional wisdom, longer emails are not less effective. Many long emails are devoured by readers. The ideal email length is the amount that's necessary to convey your message. Just don't be too wordy, and keep it neat and organized. People read content that's interesting and concise, as long as there's not too much fluff or unnecessary words.

6. They forget to be personal. Often overlooked, the "From" section can be really important. People want emails from PEOPLE, not COMPANIES. Instead of "Best Realty", it should say "Kate from Best Realty." Same thing at the end of your email.

7. They skip the "P.S." Believe it or not, many people read the end of your email before the middle, because it's shorter and less intimidating. Be sure to end with a powerful "PS" message, and maybe even a call-to-action.

8. Weak (or no) call-to-action. Even an informational email needs to tell people what you want them to do. It can be as simple as "call for more information", or "reply to this email if you have a question." Just give specific instructions.

By following the advice of experts, you can leverage what many consider the most powerful digital marketing tool available. Use these strategies to get more listings and close more sales than your competitors who live in the Dark Ages.

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