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Quick Tips on Running a Property with Oil Heating

Written by Posted On Wednesday, 01 November 2017 08:48

I’ve been a kerosene oil customer for over nine years now and it’s hard to imagine life before I made the transition to this popular fuel for the home. I remember moving into my first home that was run on kerosene and being blown away with the amount of oil still left in the tank from the previous owners. It seemed generous and frivolous, and made sure, as an aspiring writer, that I had enough heating for the winter.

Making the transition to oil from gas or LPG is not so simple for many. There are little bumps in the road you may encounter, but it does come with its benefits. Here’s what I learned about oil boilers, oil consumption and oil prices. You may pick up a few tips if you’re about to move into an oil heated home.

Take Note of the Tank Size

The first time I ordered oil, I ordered far too much. The tank would take 1000 litres and this is what I ordered when there was still some left in the bottom. Just because your tank has the capacity, it doesn’t mean you should order the maximum. Which leads me to… 

Never Run Out

I’ve run out of oil more times than I should dare to admit, as it’s a foolish mistake to make. It can also be quite expensive. Air can infiltrate the pipes, which then causes bubbles and problems. The boiler, when fired up, will also try to lift the silt that settles on the bottom of the tank, if the tank is empty. This can cause many problems with the boiler and can lead to a complete draining of the tank in order to rectify it. It’s not inexpensive. 

Ask Your Neighbours

You can shop around for cheap heating oil, and you can search the yellow pages for an oil boiler plumber but I’ve found that it’s much simpler to ask your neighbours. Your neighbours will have already shopped around and they’ll be familiar with an oil boiler repair person (who can be quite hard to find). Save yourself time by introducing yourself and picking their brains at the same time.

Buy in Bulk

It’s often cheaper to buy more in bulk, so it makes sense to stock up. It can seem like a big outlay but remember to consider the spread of the cost over the year. Some companies will allow you to set up an account and to pay in monthly instalments. This can take the pressure off finding hundreds of pounds for your heating oil.

Order Before You Need It

Some oil companies will charge a premium for expedited delivery. In order to avoid paying this you should always buy well in advance. The longer you’re able to wait for heating oil, the lower the price you’ll pay.

An oil boiler can be a good choice for many homes and businesses. Depending on oil prices it can also be much more affordable at times. It may take a little adjustment to become used to paying in advance but it is well worth it.

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Martina Mercer

I am a copywriter and author for many big brands in the home industry. I have written for Huffington Post, Forbes and more delivering expert advice on a range of topics that help the home buyer and leaser.

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