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What do you do with the bedrooms once the kids move out?

Written by Posted On Friday, 06 December 2019 02:52


The time has finally arrived and your children have flown the nest leaving you with all those empty rooms. So just what do you do when you find yourself with empty bedrooms?

Empty nest? Many of us are miles away from the day the kids leave home, but for some parents, the time is fast approaching. Rather than rattling around in an empty house, why not start to make plans on what to do with all that extra space?


One of the first things you will probably want to do with your new-found space is decorate it; giving it a new lease of life. For some parents seeing the room as it was when their children lived at home can be upsetting so redecorating can help. If you are planning to completely redesign the look of the room, then you might prefer to completely empty the room of anything that your children have left behind. If they have moved into rented accommodation or have gone to university and do not have enough room for all their things, then it might be worth looking at cheap self-storage options near to your home. That way they will be able to go through their things later and decide what they want to keep.

How you redecorate the room will entirely depend on what purpose you have in mind for the space once you have emptied it.

Hobby room

Some people choose to make their newly empty room into a hobby room creating a light and airy space that they can spread themselves and their chosen hobby out in, with no need to put everything away at the end of the day. A real sanctuary that they can escape to whenever they want to. It may be that you have a hobby that has been on the back burner whilst you brought up your children, well now is the chance to resurrect it and enjoy your free time.

Extra bathroom

Considering adding an extra bathroom to your home when there are fewer people in it may seem a bit strange, but if you’re looking to sell up in the next few years, it may well be worth it as it can definitely add value to your home.

Spare room

Just because your children have left home, it doesn’t mean they won’t be back! Why not take the opportunity to completely redecorate the room and refurnish it to create a fantastic welcoming guest room.  If you put in plenty of storage space you can always use it as an extension of your own room as well, whilst still leaving plenty of storage space for your guests.

Room for the grandkids

If you have no immediate need for the space, many parents like to create a neutral space that they could turn into a room for future grandchildren to use. As so many young parents rely on the grandparent for childcare assistance during the day this could be a very practical use for the room at some time in the future.

Room for Rent

When their children leave home, many people like to explore the option of renting out their spare room, possibly to earn a little extra income but also for the company. If you do this you will probably want to empty the room completely of all your child’s possessions, including the furniture. If you don’t have space to put them in another room in your home, then look at self-storage options near to where you live. Most renters prefer a neutral room so give it a lick of paint and put in some basic furniture.

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