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Getting Into A Specialized Home Improvement Franchise

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 10 May 2016 04:29

When jobs get scarce, a common strategy is for unemployed workers (or those concerned about their job security) to strike out on their own and start a business. These businesses often include home improvement services, because it can be fairly easy to schedule the work around an existing job. However, it can be a tough business to enter; there are a lot of competitors out there, and many of the trades don't require licensing. Consequently, it's not likely that you'll just strap a hammer on your belt, pass out a few cards, and start getting work.


You need an edge, and a low cost franchise for home improvement can be just the ticket. A franchise provides you with a lot of training and support that you can't get when fully independent, and it helps you project a more professional image that will help you bring in work.

Once you choose to go that route, you will be a highly specialized contractor. Having a narrow scope of work might sound confining, but there are several reasons why it will actually help your business.


When people build a home, they often exert all their attention and energy on the big picture: Choosing a design, selecting floor coverings, and dealing with logistical things like wiring and windows. They often are out of money, energy, or creativity when it comes time to do the more detailed finish work, so they just put it on cruise control and decide to revisit later.

That "later" is where you come in. If the $5 discount store blinds did the trick for a few years, they will run out of tricks soon enough. That's when the opportunity exists for a good franchisee to bring the extra kick to the home that will make it look distinctive and beautiful.

"Later" can also become an action time due to wear and tear. Driveways, sidewalks, patios, and garage floors can lose their beautiful initial appearance over time, and the owners will want to restore them. They may also seek some quick sprucing up if they are preparing to show the home to potential buyers.


Many consumers are turned off by add-on sales. They don't want to go purchase a new set of tires and then get a hard-sell pitch from a sales associate about upgrading their exhaust.

When you arrive at a home to give a quote, the customer will immediately react positively to seeing a single line of work mentioned on your cards, quotes, shirt, or vehicle. They want to know that you will come in and do what they need you to do without harassing them to spend more money on other things that don't need your intervention.

If you choose to start a franchise, keep in mind that your singular focus is an advantage, not a disadvantage. Emphasize that you are a specialist, that you are there to do a great job on a single task and not pile on extra expense. If the customer had reservations about you because you don't do a wider variety of jobs, this explanation will win them over.


Another great benefit to franchising is the efficiency of the crew. If you're laying ceramic tile today and hanging light fixtures tomorrow, you won't be as fast at either one. You know how to do it correctly, but that's proficiency, not efficiency.

When all you do is a single type of work, you will become very skilled. That's really the idea behind subcontracting to begin with; not everybody who frames a house is also going to be involved in finishing its sheetrock. With skill comes speed, and with speed comes efficiency, and you will be less expensive than a jack-of-all-trades who turns out quality work but takes 25% longer. Once the market knows you can undersell broad-based contractors, that market is yours.


During the building process or when a homeowner purchases an existing home, there will be things that aren't the way they want them. As a specialized franchise, you may one day have the opportunity to pick up those that work. But presenting yourself successfully to those clients requires an understanding of why you should be their preferred contractor.

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Ryan Kh

Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon’s Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he’s totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Forumsmix. Email him at [email protected], and follow him on Twitter, LinkedIn and Tumblr.

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