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Work Smarter, Not Harder on Your Real Estate Marketing Tasks

Written by Posted On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 09:49
Work Smarter, Not Harder on Your Real Estate Marketing Tasks

Most real estate agents have to manage their personal branding. They don’t typically have a team of assistants and colleagues to help ensure that this aspect of their business runs smoothly. To that end, being a real estate agent is a time-consuming process, filled with a plethora of mundane tasks that eat up many precious hours of the day.

But as technology evolves, real estate agents are presented with an unprecedented number of organizational tools that help streamline the marketing process, applying automation to normally frustrating tasks.

Here are three time-consuming marketing tasks real estate agents need to increase leads, and how technology can help automate them.

1. Blogging

While technological advancements have created many avenues for automation, there is no program out there that can write original blogs. Content still has to come directly from the agent or a person the agent hires, but after the writing is over, WordPress can be used to schedule when an article posts.

Consistent blogging should be a part of any real estate agent’s content strategy. It helps them to make their website more visible, rank higher on search engines, and showcase their expertise to potential clients. But posting blogs at strategically advantageous times and sharing them with subscribers can be a laborious process.

If an agent plans to blog once per week, they can spend an afternoon crafting four well thought out blogs or subscribing to a service that creates content for them, and then schedule them to post on predetermined times dates and times. This allows the agent to get all their blog-related work done in one day, without having to worry about it for another month. What’s more, some automation tools, such as HubSpot, can send out emails to subscribers containing a link to the blog as soon as it posts.

2. Email Automation

Emails take up a massive amount of time. As a real estate agent, it’s important to respond to all emails quickly, following up with prospective leads before they turn their attention elsewhere. The simplest form of email automation is auto responses. When a new lead sends an email, they immediately get something back featuring an introduction, some frequently asked questions, and all relevant contact information.

Email marketing campaigns should follow the sales funnel. Using a tool like HubSpot, agents can categorize leads (cold, warm, hot, etc.). Then, automatically set up emails along the funnel that go out as touch points depending on where the prospect is in the sales journey. A hot lead would receive more consistent contact, while someone looking to buy in six months might get an automated check-in message in four months. The most important function of email marketing is to present relevant information to clients at the right time. Automation ensures that you never miss an opportunity to educate and touch base with your clients.

If an agent is running a special referral program, they can schedule a mass email to all of their past clients at regular intervals, promising them some incentive if they refer a friend or family member.

In the case of email newsletters, automation programs can keep track of an agent’s subscriber list, so if someone opts out or signs up, the list updates automatically and the agent does not have to do anything.

3. Social Media

Social media posting can be a huge time suck in an agent’s day. However, social media remains one of the most effective tools in a real estate agent’s arsenal, providing access to leads and an avenue for direct instant communication.

There’s a lot of strategy that goes into social media marketing. Experts have examined specific times of day where traffic is higher for different demographics on various platforms. On weekdays, the ideal time to post to Facebook might be 2 p.m., while Twitter sees more traffic around noon. Does this mean that a real estate agent has to run to their phone or computer several times per day sending out the same content over and over? Absolutely not.

Social media automation tools allow for the scheduling of posts along a variety of platforms on various days at differing times. These automation platforms also make it easier to gauge the effectiveness of a social campaign, giving the agent one centralized location where they can respond to comments and access analytic tools.

While there is a lot of work that goes into running a successful real estate enterprise, advancements in technology have made the life of a real estate agent easier. By taking advantage of these time-saving tools, agents can increase their focus, declutter their day, and run a more efficient business.


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Adrian Fisher

Adrian Fisher is the founder of PropertySimple, a social real estate platform.

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