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Are tiny houses eco-friendly?

Posted On Monday, 04 October 2021 20:37

If you’re someone who considers themselves environmentally conscious, you might be wondering how living in a tiny house could support your sustainable philosophy. But deciding to uproot and move home is a big decision to make, so you want to be sure it’s the right one before taking the plunge. Remember, moving into a tiny home doesn’t mean you don’t need to protect it. Make sure you get a tiny house insurance quote before officially moving in.

Whether you know someone who lives in a tiny home or have simply seen them popping up all over the internet, this blog will help you to understand how this new way of living can benefit the planet.

Live simply

By their very nature, tiny houses encourage you to live more simply. Because you’ll have limited space for your possessions, you won’t be able to over consume and buy things you don’t need. This lack of storage space is the perfect way of kickstarting a more minimalistic lifestyle and will help you to think more carefully about future purchases. Constantly buying new things and then throwing them away when they no longer serve us is creating harmful amounts of waste. But a tiny home will have everything you need to live comfortably, helping you to realize just how little you really need.

Less energy

Because tiny houses are so small, you will need a lot less energy to keep them up and running. A regular-sized house will have five or six rooms that need heating as well as higher ceilings, whereas your tiny home has one central living space. Not only will you be saving money, but you’ll be doing your bit to slow down climate change as well.

Sustainably built

While this isn’t the case for all tiny homes, many are made using sustainable materials. Plenty of people even decide to build their own living spaces, giving them complete control over the types of wood and metal their new house is made of. To make your home even more eco-friendly, consider using materials that would have been thrown away. Sometimes you can find these for next to nothing in your local area, so make sure you ask around and keep an eye on any new online adverts.

Off the grid

It’s true that some tiny homes are fully integrated into regular neighbourhoods, but many people use them to live off the grid. If you know of a nice plot of land, you could decide to build your tiny home there and power it using solar panels. You can even have your own garden to grow food and get around using a bicycle. Not all tiny homeowners want to live like this, but if it’s something that appeals to you, it’s definitely possible.

Is a tiny home right for me?

Living in a tiny home can take some adjusting, so if you’re feeling unsure, try renting one for a short period of time to see if this new eco-friendly lifestyle suits you.

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