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Give (Referrals) and Ye Shall Receive!

Written by Posted On Sunday, 17 February 2008 16:00

A great way to receive referrals is to give them. Become a referring machine. Be on a constant look-out for people who need referrals to other people.

Do you have the world's best hairdresser? Dog-sitter? Handyman? Spanish tutor? Knock yourself out building THEIR business through your referrals!

How does this help you?

Oh, let us count the ways.

You become known as a resource among your Sphere of Influence. Not simply as a fabulous real estate agent, but also as the Keeper of the Referral Directory. As they say, "no publicity is bad publicity" -- every time your name crosses the mind of another person on this planet, the potential for receiving a real estate referral just increased, if only a wee bit. If the person actually contacts you to get the name and number of your dog-sitter, BAM! A rapport-building opportunity is delivered to you on a silver platter.

Think about how wonderful it feels to receive a referral yourself. Don't you feel incredible warm fuzzies toward the person who thought enough of you to send their friend your way? Evoke those feelings in others and they WILL return the favor.

What goes around comes around. It just does.

There's not much to it. Simply keep your antenna up for people who are deserving of your referrals ... as well as people who need your referrals.

Casually gather business cards of the people you feel good about referring, or simply memorize their website or phone number. BONUS! That way you can write down THEIR contact information on the back of YOUR business card!!

Get in the habit of sending business to others and they will quickly get in a habit of sending business to you!

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