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HOA Prune Tune

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 28 February 2006 16:00

I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree.
Perhaps, unless the billboards fall,
I'll never see a tree at all.
-- Ogden Nash

Trees are one of a homeowner association's greatest assets. They provide beauty, shade, block wind and stabilize soil movement. One of the most common questions asked of arborists is: "Why does a tree need to be pruned?" There are seven basic reasons to prune trees:

To create a strong branch structure. During the first several years after a tree is planted, it can be easily pruned to correct poor form. Prune to give proper branch spacing and strong attachments. Eliminate double leaders to create a strong single leader trunk. This approach prevents future problems, also making trees less susceptible to storm damage.

To reduce or eliminate hazards. Limbs can unexpectedly fall, damaging property and harming people. Prune to remove deadwood, broken branches or weakly attached branches to reduce hazard potential. Thin large trees like Douglas Fir to reduce wind resistance.

To control growth and size. Prune to keep fast growing trees contained within a certain landscape footprint.

To create aesthetically pleasing landscapes. Pruned trees reveal their unique branch structure, yet retain their natural shape.

To correct improper pruning or storm damage. Create a new canopy and branch structure on a previously topped or storm damaged tree by selective pruning and crown thinning. This may require multiple pruning visits over several years to restore the natural crown shape.

To reduce disease. Remove diseased parts to prevent further infection and improve looks. Reduce disease infection by increasing air circulation and light penetration by thinning branches and foliage.

To enhance fruit production. Prune fruit trees to keep the fruit production at a reachable height.

When it comes to trees, prune is the name of the tune.

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Richard Thompson

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