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3 Reasons to Sell Your Oakland Lakes Home

Written by Posted On Monday, 10 April 2017 11:15
Oakland County MI Homes for Sale - Gorgeous lakefront estates and homes nestled beautifully near lakes are for sale in Oakland County MI! Oakland County MI Homes for Sale - Gorgeous lakefront estates and homes nestled beautifully near lakes are for sale in Oakland County MI!

Thinking about selling your lake home in Oakland County?


Are you planning to sell your home in Oakland County?


Oakland County lakefront homes are a good home option for anyone looking for a place to retire to. Also, the small and warm community makes it easy for anyone to quickly adjust and feel right at home.


Oakland County is that place where 50+ adults can settle down and enjoy. The long drives, partnered with views of the different lakes around the community, is something to look forward to!


For sure baby boomers who long for their grandchildren to visit them will be interested in one of the homes for sale in Oakland County! This will be a great chance for them to own the home they want.


If you’re a homeowner in Oakland County, you can take advantage of this. This is the perfect time to sell your home in Oakland County!


That's why I, Russel Ravary, am here to help you with your real estate interests!


Whatever your reason may be to put your Oakland County home up for sale, it is one of the biggest decisions you will make. As a real estate professional, I understand how much this means to you.


If you're undecided about putting your Oakland County for sale, here are 3 reasons why you should!


1. Oakland County Lakes is home to more lakes than any other county in Michigan.


If you want to sell your home for a nice price, you need to upgrade its features. Having something unique about your home will let you boost its sale price!


Oakland County homes for sale have the advantage of being lakefront homes. These are the kind of homes that sell at a nicer price than the average home because of their unique feature - location!


If your home is a lakefront home, you can enjoy the benefit of increased property value! According to pre-recession sales data, the average lakefront home, adjusted for size and other variables, values $55,000 more than a home located more than a mile away.


2. Detroiters consider Oakland County Lakes the "up north"


Everyone longs for a home in a beautiful and peaceful community. Oakland County is just the place for that!


With relaxed dinners on the pontoon while circling the lake during summer evenings and winters which give way to ice fishing, skating and cross-country skiing, Oakland County is the perfect place for anyone to live in or retire to!


You can expect that you'll have no trouble selling your home here. Also, once you decide to let me help sell your home, you can have a profitable, stress-free, and even fun experience!


3. Homes in Oakland County are enjoying a strong healthy market


A strong market is often a good time to downsize, or buy a property of lesser value than your existing property. This is also a good time to sell if your current home has some negative aspects such as being on a main road or is in any way unusual or out of the ordinary.


If you're looking to upgrade, now is the time to sell your Oakland County home and buy a new one!


Are you planning to sell your home? Do you want to buy a new one? Whatever it may be, I, Russel Ravary, will be very honored to help you.


As a real estate professional in Michigan, I can provide you the skills and knowledge you need to get top dollar from your home! Call me now at 248-310-6239!

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Russ Ravary

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