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Blast from the past

Written by Posted On Friday, 17 November 2017 15:55

I was just doing a quick search on Moz to find some of the backlinks to my website.  When I did, I had completely forgotten an article that someone wrote about me in  It was written 3 years ago, and you can find the article here.  Now, what really struck me was the picture in the photo.  It's from 10 years ago.  It looks like the reused the same picture they look of me 7 years prior.


Wow, I look so young...and so thin.  A lot has changed over the last 10 years.  So now, I really have to get myself in gear and see if I can lose some more weight.


But, what an honor to be included on their website, and it's great to have that nice link to my site.  I have a friend who recently did a guest post on there.  I had no idea that was even possible.  I guess he submitted the idea to them and it took a few months for them to respond.and then voila.  This reminds me that I did this same sort thing on a realtor site, but I still haven't heard back from them. Sometimes, it feels like a big black box, and you never know if or when anyone will get back to you.


Anyway, since I have an entrepreneurial spirit, I'm trying to figure out other places that I can blog to help build up my domain authority even further.  Lately, I've been doing some guest blogging on some realtor sites.  I'm determined to get the traffic to my site even higher, and we'll see if I succeed.  This time of year is hard to gauge as my traffic always declines from around today (just a few days before Thanksgiving) until 12/26.  And, then, it starts to grow and really recovers around 1/3 or 1/4.


We'll see if this approach works.

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Debbie Gartner, The Flooring Girl

I'm known as The Flooring Girl, and I used to own my own Flooring store in Westchester County, NY.  I blog about hardwood flooring, sanding, carpet, other flooring options and home decor.


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