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Object at Home and Kid's Oral Health

Written by Posted On Friday, 16 February 2018 06:25

Babies and growing children should be protected as much as possible in life, not that it is always possible, but as parents, we do our best. As parents we protect our children from many different things, yet, it seems that there are things that some either do not know or doesn’t consider as harmful or dangerous.

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A child’s oral health seems to be one of the major issues that are overlooked. Yes, a parent will brush their little teeth, teach them how to do it, how to floss and even take them to the dentist for a regular check-up. However, do you know that there are so many objects and things, even in your own home that can destroy a child’s teeth?

In a house, there are many objects with a variety of sizes, shapes, and textures that can do a lot of damage to a small mouth and teeth.

Now, in general, when people have kids they tend to put away or pack away most of their ornaments and things that may have small sharp edges. Furthermore, they also ensure that a child can’t reach such objects. Yet, there are a variety of things that one might not even think of.

In many countries, people can buy or rent homes that already have furniture in them, and in other places, you will need to buy your own furniture and things for your home.

When you move into a house that comes with furniture, you really do not have a choice or say on the shape, size or look things have. When you are single or just married, some things may seem nice such as a glass living room table, small ornaments made from glass, triangular shaped coffee tables and more.

But, once you have kids, these things may not be suitable for you anymore. So, you should have a look at the safety of furniture and objects that are in a furnished place. Especially glass object and things that have sharp edges, like living room tables, cupboards, and more.

Once a child’s teeth start to come out they seem to want to chew everything and this is quite normal as the gums become itchy. Nonetheless, chewing on certain things can cause a lot of damage not only to their gums but also to the alignment of teeth. Plus, they may even chip or break their baby teeth before they are completely out. In many cases, a parent might not even see that there is a problem until they are older, or when you take them to the dentist.

You Should take your time and do a thorough check of your home to see where you can make it safer for your child. For an example, if you have a glass table in your lounge, you may want to get something to cover it with temporarily such as a sheet of wood, you may also want to cover the edges with a rubbery material, or a material that is soft. The same goes for couches, bedside tables, cupboards and other items that have glass or sharp edges.

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Think of it this way, do you know what is thumb sucking? It is where a child has a problem keeping their finger or fingers (mostly the thumb) out of their mouths.

So, what happens is that once a child starts teething their gums start to hurt and itch, consequently, they tend to chew or suck on objects. One of the most common things is the thumb, yet, this habit can cause misalignment of teeth and should be stopped. Now, the same goes for most hard objects.

There are many teething toys that can be bought to assist with teething, that is made for teething. These can generally be bought at any chemist, baby store or even general stores.

Another thing you should also keep in mind is how dirty furniture can get. The dirt and germs can cause your child to have poor oral hygiene and bad overall health as well.

You may not feel the need to cover tables and objects in your home as you will be closing the door to most of the rooms, well, that may work at first but only until your child can open doors and then what?

If you are thinking that if they can open doors, you can remove the protective covers, stop, you can’t. Most children can open doors by themselves from around 2 years of age and even though they might not chew the furniture anymore, they can still get hurt running into it or jumping on things. Therefore, it is always best to keep your home safe for your kids until about 8 years old and even them accidents can still happen.

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Emma Kalman

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