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5 Things Everyone Forgets When They’re Moving

Written by Posted On Wednesday, 06 June 2018 14:14

There’s definitely a lot to remember when it comes to moving from one house to another, and a lot of times some of the smaller things go by overlooked by homeowners all across the country. Of course moving is always going to be somewhat of a stressful situation because we tend to have so many possessions and not enough time in our daily/weekly lives to dedicate to the move.

We’re very lucky to have teamed up with a Moving Company Richmond VA to come up with this elaborate list of the things that everyone forgets about when they’re moving, and we’re confident that by going through this list you’ll be more prepared to not make the same mistakes you’ve made, and that EVERYONE makes while moving to your next home.

Labeling Boxes, Properly

This may seem like a really obvious and easy mistake to avoid, but when you’re rushing through all of your stuff as quickly as you can and you want to get everything packed away quickly this can make things complicated. It may seem small, but the overall impact of mislabeling your boxes can be drastic, especially when it comes to fragile possessions that can break during the move.

What you should do is label the box by the room you want it to go within in your new home, what’s in the box and if there are any fragile items in the box. That way your moving crew can work more efficiently and carefully throughout the entire process.

Utilizing the Correct Packing Materials

Using the wrong packing materials for certain possessions can have some pretty serious consequences, especially if the materials you are using aren’t quite strong enough to support your stuff. Some bags/boxes may not seal properly, and this can leave your things vulnerable to decay and other deterioration that you of course are going to want to avoid.

Also a really common mistake that people make in this section would be not getting enough boxes or bags, which isn’t the biggest mistake but it still will make people go to and from the box or home improvement store unnecessarily.

Making an Essentials Box

A lot of people think that when they get to their new home they’ll be able to use all of their stuff right away, but this is of course a huge mistake that so many people make. That’s why it’s important to create a box of things that you are really going to need the moment you get to your new home. Most of the time people don’t have the time or energy to start unpacking all of their stuff the moment they arrive at their new place, and sometimes the last thing you want to do is start rummaging through your belongings just to find something like a toothbrush!

Our advice for when it comes to deciding what to put in your essentials bag is to think about the items you use on a daily basis, and also consider the time of year it is that you’ll be moving for certain clothing and comfort purposes.

Organizing storage for the stuff you’re not bringing

This happens a lot when people are downsizing into their new home, and if you are downsizing then you more than likely are going to need to get rid of at least a few large items that won’t fit in your new home. Instead of waiting until moving day to finally realize how you are going to not be able to use all of your stuff it’s best to consider what is going to come with you long before moving day and what isn’t.

Also, don’t be those people who just leave things out on the curb outside of an apartment complex, or just throw things in a dump. There are much more responsible ways of getting rid of some of your things you won’t need in your new home, like going to a Salvation Army or Good Will, or renting a storage unit and selling everything you don't need online!

Planning on avoiding a Friday Move

A lot of people think it’s a great idea to move on a Friday because they’ll have the whole weekend to sort things out and won’t miss too much work while going through the moving process, but the truth of the matter is that Friday is one of the worst days to move simply because so many other people are thinking the same thing and moving companies are typically jam packed with clients. Also, if something doesn’t go as planned you might have to wait until the following week to get in touch with a moving company or a property manager.

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Joseph Wirth

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