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5 Tech Innovations Shaping the Real Estate Industry

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 14 August 2018 01:35

On the surface, the real estate industry has largely remained static over the past few decades. However, while it is true that most of the processes involved in investing, buying and selling of properties have not changed much, there have been quite a lot of innovations under the hood which have switched things up significantly in the industry.

Whether you’re an investor, an agent or someone just looking to understand more about the industry, here are the most important tech trends you need to watch out for:

1. Advanced Web Design

Internet ads and property websites are not a new thing, by any means, but the recent advancements in how interactive websites can be made to be have made the experience of going through property listings online that much more engaging. From panorama pictures to advanced search techniques that make it easier for buyers to find just the kinds of properties they want; web design is certainly something the real estate industry can take advantage of further.

2. Virtual Reality

Beyond looking at enhanced photographs of the property you’re considering, what if you could take a walk down the street it’s on and check out all the rooms, all from the comfort of your current home thousands of miles away? That’s what some agencies such as Prosper Group are already making possible for clients by using Google Street View and other more advanced solutions, making it easy for buyers to evaluate more properties thoroughly over shorter periods of time.

3. Big Data

Everyone has heard of big data, even if it’s often just a nebulous term whose applicability in certain industries might not be clear. In the real estate industry, however, better data analysis certainly has clear benefits. It’s now easier for investors to analyze trends to make decisions with, such as which kinds of properties are coming into vogue or what the right price to price a property is.

4. Artificial Intelligence

Like big data, artificial intelligence is making its mark on virtually all industries and real estate is no exception. With increased access to data and better processing methods, many decisions regarding properties can now be automated with a high level of reliability. One of the areas where AI is really coming into its own in the real estate industry is automated valuation models. AVMs use mathematical modeling combined with databases to calculate the real-time value of any property by comparing it with the value of similar properties based a variety of preset factors such as location, size, finishes, and others.

5. 3D Printing

For now, most 3D printing projects are still limited to small, simple components, but the technology has been advancing at speedily and experts have expressed the belief that in a few years’ time, it’ll be possible to build homes at a quicker pace using 3D printing and without compromising on the safety of the structure. Beyond the speed, 3D printing has the potential to be used in building structures that are much more environmentally efficient and resistant to natural disasters such as floods or hurricanes.

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Martina Angel is a writer and real estate agent. She is especially interested in the purchase, ownership, management, rental and sale of real estate for profit. She also volunteers for local water conservation charities in her free time.

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