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Quick Fixes To Sell Your Home Without Spending A Fortune

Written by Posted On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 12:53

Sometimes when we live in a home we forget what it might look like to potential buyers. Our own messes that we are accustomed to or stains that we don’t even see anymore can put buyers off or make the m believe the house is not worth the hassle of repairs. Some houses need big repairs before they are ready to sell. Other houses really just need a little touching up. Try some of these little suggestions that can make a really big impact, maybe even enough to sell your property.

Furnished or Unfurnished?
When selling a home, some people tend to think that it’s a good idea to leave the house empty. That way, they reason, it’s a blank slate and buyers can use their imagination. However, houses often sell best if they are tastefully furnished. It is a way to show buyers what it could look like and help them see possibilities that they might not otherwise. Though it may seem counterintuitive, furnishing rooms also makes them appear larger than empty rooms.

Decor That Impresses
One of the biggest mistakes that sellers can make is to assume that everyone will appreciate their personal preferences. Remember that you are not selling the house to yourself but to someone else! Try to appeal to a broad, general audience. If you have made any dramatic choices with art, paint, furniture, or placement, consider toning it down. For example, if you have painted a whole room in dark red or pale lavender (or any other strong color), you’ll be in trouble every time someone views the house if that is not their preference. You could try the colors that Zillow found helped sell houses for more (and avoid the ones that were not as popular) Or keep your dramatic color on just one wall and use benjamin moore white dove or something neutral on the other walls.


Another example of this could be your knick knacks, collections and keepsakes. Your collection of trains, grandchildrens’ art projects, or porcelain dolls could feel like clutter to someone else who doesn’t cherish them like you do. Consider finding a temporary storage space or hiding spot for them. And speaking of clutter, clean it up! Your clutter can make a room feel crowded, unorganized and messy. Even if you have a nice house people will hate the clutter enough to ignore the other great things about your house. Keep rooms fairly simple. If you have furniture lined up end to end and covering every inch of the walls, this will also feel like clutter.

Or perhaps your furniture is a little old or tatty. Try giving them a bit of a makeover with tablecloths, a cozy throw, or a quick paint job (all of which should match your paint scheme.)

Color Schemes
Injecting some color into your rooms can make a really big impact for not too much money. You might not want to spend money on paint at all but it might be worth it if it helps you sell, especially if your rooms are either colored too intensely or too plainly. Decide what impression you want to give or what you want people to feel and paint accordingly. Mark McCauley has some great tips for painters, including a way to make a room feel more formal or informal and relaxing. If you are going for a calm relaxing space in the bedrooms, use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and for a more formal area use complimentary colors that are across from each other on the color wheel. Dining rooms and sometimes living rooms are good areas for a more formal feeling. McCauley also suggests using the 60-30-10 rule. 60% of the color should be your dominant color, 30% will be a secondary color and the final 10% will be accents. Find paint colors you already have in your room to be your guide on how to paint or add a few more decorations. With these painting tips you can transform your home into something that looks professionally designed in no time!

Selling a home can be difficult so make sure you are not setting yourself up for failure with houses that are too dramatic, too cluttered, too plain, or too worn looking. Try walking into your house with fresh eyes and consider how you might view it if you were buying. Look for anything that might be stained or broken and remember that minor problems might look a lot bigger to potential buyers. Your house is worth selling, you may simply need a fresh coat of paint or some decluttering to show off its best assets.

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Craig Middleton

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