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Pools & Patios: the Importance of Maintenance

Written by Posted On Monday, 15 October 2018 16:17

For homeowners who love to throw social gatherings at their house during the summer and fall seasons, having a patio, deck or even swimming pool is essential to creating a great entertaining space. Patios are a fantastic way to compliment a backyard. No matter what the home market looks like, a patio is a highly coveted feature for home buyers. For areas of the country that are frequently warm or have summer heat waves, having a pool is more of a necessity than a luxury.

Patios are typically an excellent investment for your home and can increase your ROI to over 100%. Depending on the area you live in, and how much maintenance is required, a swimming pool can raise your home’s value by 7%.

However, when the time comes for you to sell your home, your pool or patio could hinder your property value if proper maintenance has not been prioritized.

To ensure that you are helping your resale value and not hurting it, you need to address cracks and unevenness in the concrete in and around your patio or pool. Along with being an eyesore, uneven pavement can cause severe injury to you or someone you love. If someone were to get injured by tripping on your broken concrete, you could be liable for damages.

Here are a few tips for keeping your patio and pool in top shape all year round.

Keep it Clean

Keeping your patio or pool deck clean is important whether covered or not. On a daily basis, make sure you’re sweeping or spraying down the area as needed. For certain types of concrete, you can also consider a sealer to help keep it looking like new.

When cleaning your patio, be careful with any cleaners containing chemicals. Certain products like ammonia and bleach can eat away at a sealer and eventually the concrete itself. Instead, look for products specifically formulated as safe for concrete, and use only as directed.

Avoid Too Much Weight

Most concrete areas can sustain a decent amount of weight; your deck furniture and barbecue grill will do just fine! However, heavy equipment can damage concrete. If you’re having extensive work done on your yard, be sure to avoid driving any equipment over your pool deck or patio.

Protect during the winter months

During the winter, your patio and pool may not be in use, but they’ll still need maintenance. Be sure to invest in covers for your furniture if it’s not being stored, as well as a durable cover for your pool. Keep an eye out for cracks and chips in your concrete throughout the winter. Though they may start small, you can’t ignore them. Small cracks can fill with melting ice and snow in the springtime, and can quickly become a major problem. Small cracks can be repaired, but a large crack or uneven concrete will require the work of a professional.

When to Call a Professional

Fortunately, there’s a way to repair your uneven concrete once a major crack appears, and it’s not nearly as expensive or as evasive as something like mudjacking.

PolyLevel™ is a polyurethane foam technology which is injected underneath and lifts your uneven concrete back to normal. Injecting PolyLevel™ requires drilling penny sized holes in your concrete slab (which are sealed up after completion). Within just a few minutes after injection, you can walk on your newly-repaired concrete. You can find a company that works with PolyLevel™ by visiting the national online directory.

In an ever-changing economy, the national housing market is more competitive now than it has been in years. Backyard features like a patio or pool can create a wonderful gathering place, and boost your home’s value for potential buyers. Maintenance of these features is key - and don’t be afraid to call in a professional to address cracked and unsafe concrete.


When PolyLevel™ debuted on the market, the Pacific Northwest company TerraFirma Foundation Systems was one of the first adopters of the innovative technology. After using the product for many years, TerraFirma has helped hundreds of homeowners with their concrete woes, and they’re currently the #3 PolyLevel Dealer in the nation

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Ryan Thomas