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How to Create a Functional and Beautiful Garage

Written by Posted On Thursday, 13 December 2018 09:23

The garage is an often neglected area of the house. It becomes a catch-all for clutter to the point that many people can't even park their cars in them anymore. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can improve both the function and beauty of this important space.

Clean the Area of all Clutter

Remove everything from within the garage. Sort items into three piles. You should have a pile of things to keep, another pile of items to donate to local charities, and a third one for all the stuff that is nothing but trash. The keep pile will be returned to the garage later on. Immediately take the donation items to the charity of your choice, and throw the trash away in order to get it out of the way.

Add Storage Options

Check out your local home improvement stores and shop online for storage solutions. Shelves will provide plenty of space for boxes and bins of garden tools, toys, holiday decorations, and other miscellaneous items. Don't waste overhead space. Use ceiling racks to hold bicycles. This will free up precious floor space for other things.

Buld a Workspace

The garage is the perfect place to work on crafts and other projects. All you need is a workspace. Start by adding a counter to one wall of the garage. This will be your workbench. Use a toolbox top chest sitting on top of a rolling cabinet for tool storage. This makes it easy to find exactly what you need to finish household jobs. Don't forget to include overhead task lighting.

Once you have cleaned the garage out, added shelves and racks for storage, and created a workspace, you will be able to enjoy what was once a forgotten room. Here you can work on projects, quickly find lawn equipment, toys and other items you need, and still have plenty of space in which to park your vehicle.

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Chris Cahill

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