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Tips for Air Conditioner Efficiency

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 19 March 2019 07:25

According to the reports of the Department of Energy, your heating and cooling bills can take up about half of your total utility consumption, as the largest part of energy is consumed by the central air conditioning units. So, what are some tips for air conditioner efficiency and how can you save on high energy bills for when it gets warmer?

Tips for Air Conditioner Efficiency - Saving Money

Unblock Indoor Vents by Vacuuming Them

The indoor vents of your air conditioner can maintain a steady flow of air if the debris and dust blocking them are vacuumed effectively. The vents should also not be blocked by toys, furniture, and blinds.

Outdoor Condenser Unit Should Be Clear

If the outdoor unit of your air conditioner has no debris, then it can work more efficiently. You can call a professional to clean it or do it yourself.

Thermostat Should be Kept Away from all Heat Producing Appliances like Lamps, etc.

Your thermostat will know that your home needs more cooling if heat producing appliances are kept near it. For this reason, your air conditioner will have to work harder and for a longer time to cool the air adequately.

Increase the Temperature of Your Thermostat by a Couple Degrees

You can save energy and money by increasing the temperature of your thermostat by 5-8 degrees, especially in the summer. The temperature of your thermostat can be adjusted automatically as per your requirements.

Clear Drain Line of Your Air Conditioner

Near the indoor cooling coil, there is a drain which can affect the cooling efficiency of your air conditioner if it is blocked. So, during the summer, you should keep it clean by flushing it with a cup of chlorine-based bleach and rinse the drain with a lot of water. By cleaning its drain, you can also save your basement from getting flooded with that water.

Keep Blinds and Curtains Closed on Hot Days

You should keep blinds or curtains on your windows closed when sun rays hit them. It will not allow the heat of sun rays to warm up the interior of your home, thus no need to turn on your air conditioning.

Exposed Out Ducts Should be Insulated

You should ensure that the ducts running through the areas that are not treated by your air conditioner are sealed properly so that conditioned air cannot leak out of your home. You can use UL 181 rated duct sealing tape to seal visible leaks. However, you should also ensure that you check your ducts thoroughly to make sure that you’re insulating your doors and windows with materials of the appropriate width so that your A/C can work better as well.  

Oven and Dryer Should be Avoided During the Day’s Hottest Hours

The air in your home will become warmer if you run oven and dryer during the day time when the environment is already very hot. It will compel your air conditioner to work for a longer amount of time to cool down the air in your home.

Bottom Line

The tips for air conditioner efficiency provided in this write-up can help you in reducing your energy consumption since you won’t have to use as much air conditioning as before.

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Rocky Degrenia

Small business owner; all types of flooring. #1 Rated Flooring Installer in Phoenix, AZ. Over 6 decades of experience and education. Residential and Commercial. Family man, father of three teenage girls.

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