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Different Types of Door Locking Mechanisms

Written by Posted On Wednesday, 19 June 2019 10:14

There are insurance policies meant for your home safety that cover your home against any burglary and theft cases. There are certain policies that require you to meet up with some lock standards for you to stand eligible to seek out their cover. There are different kinds of home door lock types out there and they are categorized according to their abilities to provide extra security. So, what are the different types of door locking mechanisms? It has become a tendency for most of these insurance companies or insurers to ask for more information about the kind of locks you have in your property.

Different Types of Door Locking Mechanisms - Which One to Choose?

The different types of door locking mechanisms include mortice locks, nightlatches, multi-point locking systems, cylinder locks and sliding patio doors.

1. Mortice Locks

The mortice lock is particularly popular in the UK and across Europe where a lot of households prefer using it. As the word itself, mortice is considered to be a technical term which simply means a hole in a frame or door that fits a lock. It perfectly fits and used in wooden doors and it is up to standard and therefore highly reliable. The mortice lock is made up of a few parts which include the lock body, strike plate, and the lock trim.


The lock body is essentially the whole part that fits in the mortice hole and bears the whole lock. The strike slate on the other side is the part that aligns with the body and fits in the mortice body. The lock trim is the part that is made into handle, lever or knob and is attached to the door. Finally, there is a cylinder which is responsible for enabling the locking and unlocking mechanisms of a lock. It is also meant for external use which makes it more secure and effective.


Nightlatches is a superb kind of lock that could be classified as a secondary lock. This kind of lock can be of two forms which are deadlocking and nightlatches. The good thing about this lock is that it is automatic unless you use the help of a snib which helps to hold the door through the latch back. For deadlocking, whenever the door closes automatically it gives the owner no chance of accessing the room behind it unless they use the right key. Due to this unique trait deadlocking latches are preferred over nightlatches since they have that extra protection.

Multi-Point Locking Systems

This is yet another wonderful and reliable lock that is mostly used in UPVC doors. What makes this lock unique is that it has several locking pints which could be at least three. This locking system locks every locking point in turns when a key is used and inserted. It is mostly recommended for outdoor and exterior use in places such as the patio doors and the garage. Multi-point locking systems have hook bolts, pins and cam rollers which help in locking.

Cylinder Locks

This kind of locks is familiar with a lot of people since most doors have them. This kind of lock is at times vulnerable to a bad vice known as lock snapping which is the act of forceful entry which targets the euro cylinder locks where the force is applied to lead to a snap. You need to confirm with the insurance provider whether they accept taking up a cover with cylinder locks. The reason why these locks are used all over the world is that they are easy to install and they also fit for both internal and external use. They are also effective when used on UPVC and composite doors.

Sliding Patio Doors

Some insurers will have a specific policy for the lock requirements for your sliding patio doors since the locking system used here is completely different to that used in standard doors. Sliding patio doors are enabled by runners which make it easy to slide and they fall prey to vandalism and forced entry since the runners can be lifted -- especially for new homes. You may require an anti lifting tool to help you mitigate the issue of vandalism.

In Conclusion

Finally, whatever lock you choose to ensure that you attain your desired results. safety comes first and the rest should follow. Since we hold valuable possessions and assets it is always wise to consider this before building a house and to take up an insurance cover as an extra security measure on top of the different types of door locking mechanisms that are available. Having insured your newly built home or current home also gives you a sense of security and minimizes the chance for you to totally lose your possessions. Consult your insurer and install the kind of locks they advocate for to be on the safe side. If you find yourself in a situation where you need help unlocking your new lock, you can always contact professionals as well.

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Rocky Degrenia

Small business owner; all types of flooring. #1 Rated Flooring Installer in Phoenix, AZ. Over 6 decades of experience and education. Residential and Commercial. Family man, father of three teenage girls.

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