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How To Clean A Home Humidifier Filter

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 19 November 2019 11:30

A humidifier can be a great way to control your environment, ensuring that you always feel comfortable. This can help provide you relief from the effects of a cold. It will also help protect you from the discomfort caused by dry skin. However, it’s essential to take care of these devices. To help you do this, we put together this guide to cleaning a home humidifier filter. When doing this we can across several useful online resources. Three of the best references can be found below.

Why You Should Clean A Humidifier Filter Regularly

There are several reasons why you might want to clean out the filters of a home humidifier frequently. First, it will ensure that the device is kept in good working order, helping it last for a longer period. However, the most important reason is to protect yourself from disease. While controlling the humidity levels can help prevent airborne diseases like mold and bacteria from getting established, these particles might get into the humidifier. This means that, without adequate maintenance, you could be spreading these contaminants around your home. For this reason, it’s recommended that you clean your humidifier every three to seven days.

Cleaning The Filter And The Tank300

Let’s start by looking at how to clean the filter and the tank. This process will usually only take a few minutes but will help protect your humidifier from developing bacterial growth. To do this, you first need to unplug the machine. Then, you need to remove the filter, most devices will come with instructions that will detail how to do this safely. To clean the filter, run it underwater. It’s important to avoid using chemicals on the filter, as these can damage it. To clean the tank, you will be able to rinse it with water. If there is growth at the bottom of the tank, you might want to use a brush to scrub the area, removing it. You can also use some vinegar to help loosen up mold particles, making them easier to remove. Once done, you should leave them to dry completely. As you wait for them to dry, you might want to wipe down the outside of the device. Then you can re-attach the filter and tank before turning the device back on.

Doing A More Thorough Clean

While cleaning the filter and tank is a good place to start, you might want to schedule more thorough cleans. To do this, unplug and disassemble the device. In most cases, you will need to rely on the manufacturer's instructions to do this. Next, you might want to run the filter under water to clean it, as we discussed earlier. Then, you should pour white vinegar into the base of the machine. This is a natural way to kill of bacteria, helping disinfect the device. After 30 minutes, remove the vinegar. If there are smaller components, you might want to remove them and place them into a bowl. Mix water and vinegar inside the bowl, to create a solution which will help loosen bacterial growth. Usually, the small components will only need half an hour before they are safe to remove. Next, you need to clean the water tank. The best way to do this is to mix a teaspoon of bleach into a gallon of water and half-fill the tank. Once half-full, swirl the watery solution around, coating the walls of the tank. If you notice any material that is still stuck to the tank after half an hour, use a fine bristle brush to remove it. The final step is to run everything under the water, leave the components to dry, and re-assemble the device.

Using Your Device

There are several tips that you can use to maintain your device effectively. This will help you make sure it operates as effectively as possible. First, you might want to empty and rinse the tank before every session. This will help you remove any bacteria that might have become established in the tank overnight. Also, it’s recommended that you use distilled water. This type of water doesn’t contain any minerals, so you will be able to prevent mineral growth, which can make the components harder to clean. Also, in some cases, the minerals from tap water might go into the air, causing a thin layer of white dust to form on the walls around the humidifier.

Storing Your Humidifier

Finally, you should pay attention to the way that you store the humidifier. For example, you should make sure that you do a deep clean before you place the device in storage. Also, you need to make sure that it’s completely dry before you put it away. If you don’t do this, you risk increasing the chances that it will grow mold and bacteria. When you do want to use it again, make sure to give it another deep clean. In addition, it might be wise to think about the age of the humidifier. Often, these devices can start to wear out if they are more than five years old.


A humidifier is a great way to control how much water vapor is in the air, keeping you comfortable. Hopefully, you can use these tips to keep the device clean, ensuring that you don’t accidentally use it to spread bacteria through the house. So, now you can get the benefits without the unwanted pollutants.



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Mark Hourany

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