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Convert Fireplace To Gas: What You Need To Know

Written by Posted On Wednesday, 05 February 2020 15:29

Having a fireplace in your home has been practiced for hundreds of years. This is a practical approach in order to keep your room warm during harsh and merciless winters. 

Wood-burning fireplaces are the most common found in homes, yet with the advent of modern technology, gas-burning fireplaces are slowly starting to carve their way into the market. There are several specific reasons that attest to the fact that gas-burning fireplaces are actually a lot more sustainable and a lot less messy, and it is because of these reasons that gas-burning fireplaces have become so popular.

Differences Between A Wood-Burning Fireplace And Gas-Burning Fireplace

There are several stark differences between a wood-burning fireplace and a gas-burning fireplace: 

• Fuel Source: Basically, a wood-burning fireplace requires wood as its constant fuel source, whereas a gas-burning fireplace uses combustible natural gasses as its own source of fuel.
• Ease of Use: Wood-burning fireplaces require a continuous replacement of logs, and constant removal of ashes to keep the fireplace clean, but when you have a gas-burning fireplace, you don’t have to go through so much hassle.
• Burn Duration: Gas-burning fireplaces can constantly burn without you having to change the logs every few hours, and they do not even produce any ashes or embers. 

How To Convert Wood Fireplaces To Gas

If you want to convert your wood fireplace into gas, you can try some of the easiest methods mentioned in this article. More and more people all over the world are choosing this option as it seems more practical and safer in many ways. Here are some of the best ways to convert a wood fireplace into gas: 

1. You Should Know When A Fireplace Conversion Seems Sensible

If you are planning to convert wood fireplace to gas, then you must know that while it is an easier approach, the reverse is generally difficult and sometimes impossible to achieve. For most modern gas fireplaces, you will need to consult a technician, as the way they are built won’t allow for simple transformations. Gas fireplaces might need to be torn apart entirely and rebuilt completely for the conversion to happen because of their modern structure. 

The same thing can be said for certain wooden fireplaces that are old. Because of their extremely old structure, it might not be advisable to transform them into a gas-burning fireplace, and the whole structure might need to be rebuilt. This is something you must definitely consider before deciding to convert your fireplace.

2. Get A Vent And Chimney Inspection

This is the second most important step in changing your fireplace. In most cases, old fireplaces have chimneys made of clay tiles, and they sometimes get broken. To build a gas fireplace in its place, you might need to reline it with stainless steel to make the conversion successful. Other than that, you must also call in a chimney sweeper to clean out your chimneys before the replacement.

3. Connect Gas Lines To Your New Fireplace 

If your fireplace is to become a gas-burning one, then you will need to attach a gas line to your fireplace. If your house is already equipped with a natural gas line or an HVAC gas line, then you just need to call in a plumber to connect it to your fireplace. 

If that is not the case, then you will need to liquid propane, which will be stored in a housing tank near your home. If you get a liquid propane tank, then you must keep it under your watch as it might need a refill from time to time.

4. Choose Between Vented And Non-Vented Logs

This is another important decision that you might have to make: Vented logs and non-vented logs differ from each other in every way. If you are getting a fireplace to give your home a stunning aesthetic ambiance, then you should go for vented logs, which look more appealing. Vented logs need vents to clean out, though, which isn’t the case with non-vented logs. They might not look as realistic, but they are cheaper and a lot less messy than vented logs.


Once you have made your decision and installed a gas fireplace in your home, it also becomes your duty to maintain it. Gas fireplaces do not require as much effort as wooden ones, but a certain amount of care and precision is still advised.

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