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Top 6 Benefits Of Getting Into The University Of Manitoba Housing

Posted On Wednesday, 15 July 2020 21:30

Hundreds, if not thousands, of freshmen in the University of Manitoba must choose between living off- or on-campus. During your college interview, you might have been asked about your preference. For many students, the choice can be difficult. It’s especially true for those whose homes are just within the province.

Some of the misconceptions regarding living in the University of Manitoba student housing include causing students to not perform well in school and being expensive. Some people also still think living on-campus means lots of rules, tiny dorm rooms, and feeling like they’re being trapped in a bubble. Of course, these fears are outdated.

For college freshmen who already have tons of adjustments to make, on-campus housing is often the more affordable, nicest, and more holistically beneficial option. Here are six benefits that come with living on-campus as a University of Manitoba student:

1. Everything You Need Is Easily Accessible

You have been used to having the things you need within easy walking distance while living in your hometown with your parents and may want to be able to experience a more independent life in college. That’s normal, but when you show up to the University of Manitoba campus, you’ll realize that it’s important to minimize stress as much as possible. Being relaxed and open to opportunities can help you stay on track and focus on making friends, scheduling, and mastering study habits. These are things that are going to be a little bit difficult for you to manage when living off-campus, unless you choose a student suite that’s situated directly across the school entrance. Well, check out websites like if that option seems like the right one for you.

Living on-campus can make overcoming challenges that student life throws a whole lot easier. It’s true whether you oversleep after missing an alarm or not realizing that enrolling in two classes with just five or ten minutes between them is a little too ambitious. The same goes for eating at dining halls and doing laundry. Everything you need is right there in front of you, and you don’t have to commute to get from your unit to your classroom or other university buildings to take care of student matters.

2. Social And Personal Development

The University of Manitoba on-campus housing provides students with the opportunity to form a sense of community or an identity with the institution. It effectively integrates learning and social development. Students who get into the school’s housing take advantage of campus resources more. They’re also more involved in leadership experiences. 

It’s undeniable that the interaction between the students and residence hall frames their overall campus experience. Students can better understand not only themselves, but also the diverse population comprising the housing community. 

3. The Chance To Take On Employment And Leadership Opportunities

Formal and informal leadership opportunities are also being offered within the entire institutional and residential community, preparing students for the challenges of the real world. Student employment opportunities in the University of Manitoba’s housing include security aide, desk receptionist, and resident assistant. 

The school’s on-campus housing also has house councils (the governing body of each residence facility) and an interhall council (governing body to all the university residence facilities). Through the students’ involvement in these organizations, they’ll have opportunities to gain leadership skills that they can apply in their professional life.

4.  Helpful House Rules

It’s true that there are rules being implemented in the university’s on-campus residence facilities. While some students dread the idea of following these house rules, the truth is that they make succeeding in college easier. On-campus housing rules come with many benefits, too. For instance, The University of Manitoba instructs all its student residents to inform resident assistants when they’re going out. By doing so, someone can let them back in when coming home late at night.

Another benefit is when you accidentally get yourself locked out of your room; you can text your RA to open the door for you for free. If that happens while living in an off-campus house or apartment, you’ll have to call a locksmith and pay for their services yourself.

Also, it’s awfully nice to have a medical center right inside the campus, RAs who care about you, and peers as neighbors if ever you find yourself feeling far away from home or sick. Once you step both of your feet in college, you’ll realize that there’s a big difference between getting flu during finals week when you’re living in a school residence facility compared to living off-campus. It’s especially true if it’s your first semester and still adjusting to college life.

5. Convenience

Most students who are living on-campus take greater advantage of the university’s campus services because of access, convenience, and the highly supervised and structured environment in which they live. Most of these campus services have already been paid for.

Students also generally interact with student mentors and faculty more. They also better enjoy academic support services, including advising, mentoring, career workshops, as well as personal and academic counseling. The knowledge that many on-campus students get from their interaction with campus services leads them to becoming effective peer mentor themselves.

In general, computer labs, high-speed connectivity (including wireless), and similar services are also more readily available and affordable to those living on-campus. In addition, public safety and security services are also more accessible to on-campus students, thus lessening safety concerns. The University of Manitoba deploys adequately trained, skilled professional staff to manage the residence facilities. Students enjoy a quick response from accessible and approachable maintenance and custodial staff. A live-in staff is also available 24/7 to further enhance customer service beyond what you might receive when opting to live off-campus.

6. No Need To Worry About Logistics

Year-long leases, Internet connectivity, utility bills, and furniture will all become part of your life. However, in college, having a comfortable and safe place to live in without having to worry about these small yet critical logistics is surely a true gift. Getting into the University of Manitoba housing lets you focus on living and studying instead of obsessing yourself over paying bills on time.

Final Thoughts

It’s really hard to beat the peace of mind and convenience that living in the University of Manitoba on-campus housing offers. Instead of keeping the bills paid and house organized, you’ll be free to spend your time and energy on enjoying your college life. Take it from the students who experienced living on-campus. Most of them never thought that they’d certainly miss the university’s residence facilities.

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