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Designing a Logo For Your Real Estate Business: Here's What You Need to Know

Posted On Friday, 14 August 2020 21:22

It's tough to compete in the real estate industry. Unlike other sectors such as the service sector or manufacturing, real estate businesses don't have a unique product or service to show customers. For this reason, branding is much more critical. 

Having a strong and popular brand identity will help you generate more customers, and hopefully, business. 

This article isn't aimed only at real estate business realtors. Even if you're in a different niche or industry, you'll still find essential information here.

Because just like a building, your business needs a sound foundation if it will survive for years to come. A castle built on sand looks nice, but as soon as the tide comes in, it's game over. 

Your logo is a key component of your foundation 

Your logo design is a crucial element of your overall real estate branding. In today's modern and digital world, symbols and logos speak far louder than words. 

So it's essential that your logo looks professional, is unique to your business, and can reach out and grab the attention of people too busy to read a sentence or two about you and your business. 

Using a clever combination of graphic images, fonts, and colors, you can create an impressive logo design that imprints itself on your future customers.

Distinguishing your brand matters 

Buying and selling real estate should be more than just offering the standard Multiple Listing Service (MLS) to clients. Ideally, it's about what your real estate business provides that the competition can't. Whether it's a specialization, offering better prices, or boutique services. 

Let's face it. There's little that separates real estate businesses apart from levels of resources, and the number of years of experience they have.

This is why creating your own unique identity is crucial to your branding success.

You could create a generic real estate logo that gets the job done, but you'll be missing out on a critical competitive edge, which, if you fail to use, may leave your business trailing behind your competitors. 

Keep reading as we dive into the details behind excellent logo design and fire up your real estate logo inspiration. 

Choose the right color palette that showcases your skills and experience 

If you've ever taken a class in color theory, then you'll know that color plays a vital role by creating subconscious perceptions in your audience. 

It's easy to spot popular color trends too. Just walk down any street packed with fashion stores. You'll notice many clothes stores have bold red signs, which creates a feeling of excitement and passion. Where-as blue is more reserved and trustful. 

Pink is used to portray a feeling of youthful femininity. Black is professional and serious, where-as green is often used for health stores as it represents nature or the outdoors. 

Before choosing your color palette, decide how you want to represent your brand. Only then experiment with different colors. 

The grand thing about logo design is you can combine colors to create multiple perceptions. Combining Red and black creates a serious, yet bold, and compelling logo. Blue and white represents a clean and sophisticated brand. 

Symmetry and shape are just as important 

Your logo's shapes and symmetry are just as important as your color palette. 

Shapes also have the ability to convey feelings and emotions in your logo. A triangle with the point facing upwards or on its side conveys a sense of purposefulness and motion. Squares are excellent shapes to showcase how stable, logical, and secure your brand is. 

Circles don't have any hard edges and are an excellent shape you can use to represent comfort and completeness. 

The majority of people searching for a new home will be looking for security and warmth, along with any other positive traits about homes. Buyers looking for shop fronts or offices will look for other, equally essential characteristics. 

When combining shapes and colors, it's important to create an eye-pleasing design. This means the colors don't clash, and the shape or shapes work well together. 

A simple trick is to create a symmetrical design. Subconsciously we like symmetry, as it's a clear sign of organization and order. 

The final piece of your shape designing process is to include your specialization, whether it be residential homes, industrial offices, or a particular location. It shows off your brand's focus without having to use words. 

Don't come across as a copycat

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But with logo design, you don't want your logo to feel cliched or generic. Or even worse, stolen from someone else. 

If your logo looks just like everyone else's, your brand won't stand out from the tens, if not hundreds of similar businesses. It also portrays your brand as dull and unimaginative. 

Likewise, if your logo looks too similar to your competition, people may think you're trying to borrow some of their popular branding. 

Your logo must be unique, attractive, and memorable, so it stands out and gets noticed. 

Bonus design tips 

We've only begun to scratch the surface of logo design. Here are some more useful tips you can use. 

Keep your font and readable - It's easy to get carried away with cool-looking script fonts. But most importantly, your font must be easy to read and represent your brand. 

Brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm - you need to think outside the box if you want to create a unique logo. Using a square and triangle to create a house has been done plenty of times before. What else can you think of that home buyers link with houses? Objects such as white fences, glass-paned front doors, welcome mats, think of the many other objects associated with your business. 

Will it turn heads? - The mark of a great logo design is when you turn your head or even stop to view it. If your logo will be used online, will it stop someone from scrolling down the page to check it out?

The last word 

Building a brand isn't easy, especially in the real estate business. But it is easier with a well-designed logo. Apart from your name, it's one of the few elements that can truly stand out and remain unique. 

Don't be afraid to spend as much time as you need so you can drive clients straight to your door with your branding. 

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