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6 Tips To Save Money While Still Getting High-Quality Plumbing Services

Posted On Wednesday, 30 December 2020 21:08

If you’re a homeowner, one of the most useful things you can do to save a little money is to take care of your home’s plumbing system. Many people don’t think about plumbing until there’s an emergency.

But to make sure your “house-health” and budget is maintained, it’s important to regularly monitor and repair your house plumbing.

We’ve listed 6 tips to save some money while still obtaining excellent plumbing services.

1. Stop Wasting Water

One of the most effective things you can do to save money is to reduce the water usage. If you want to cut on your utility bills, you can start by finding effective ways that’ll reduce water wastage. 

You can try out a few things like:

• Turning off the faucets while brushing or shaving
• Taking shorter showers
• Using a rain barrel for watering plants and flowers
• Not overwatering the lawns
• Running appliances like washing machines and dishwashers on a full load

2. Keep The Drains Clean 

When you throw food into the kitchen sink, or there’s a lot of hair and debris that goes inside your drains then it’s very important to either clean the drains regularly. 

You can use a simple solution of vinegar and dish liquid to clean your drains and flush it out with hot water. Cleaning your drains is essential to avoid clogging and blockage.

To fix clogged drains, you should call experts immediately who’ll be able to clean drains in case of an emergency, which will reduce chances of a pipe breakup.

3. Replace Old And Running Toilet 

We use our toilets more than anything else in the house, and we take it for granted every day.

If your toilet is old and running, you should call for a replacement quickly to avoid any further damage. 

You can even install a low-flow toilet which will reduce water usage by 15% to 20%. This will be a better option according to one’s budget and is eco-friendly as well. 

4. Fix Leaks And Cracks Quickly 

If you notice patches of water in your toilet or on walls, it’s obviously a leaking and plumbing issue.

This can create condensation build-up and odour-causing bacteria which damages the pipes and leads to health complications. On top of that, a leaking pipe can lead to wastage of over two to three gallons of water every day. 

You shouldn’t wait any longer and get these leaks fixed quickly to avoid any further damage.

5. Upgrade Faucets And Showerheads 

If your faucets and showerheads are old and outdated, it’s recommended to install an eco-friendly replacement. 

Older faucets use more water than they need to. Faucets and showerheads of newer design can help control the water flow by up to 30%. 

This will be a clever investment which reduces your overall water bills.

6. Inspect Your Water Meter 

A great way to save money is by taking preventive measures. You should regularly inspect your water meter for any leaks or damage. 

Your water meter runs from your main water valve to a small metered box outside your house. And another meter controls the water flow inside your home. You should make sure that these water meters are not ticking if you’re not using any water.

You can turn-off all valves and faucets and check the reading after some time to be sure. If you notice any changes in the readings, it’s a sign of a leakage in the pipes.

You should call a professional and get these pipes inspected immediately to avoid any further issues.

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