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How to Maintain A Sunroom

Posted On Monday, 01 February 2021 20:59

Your sunroom should be the crowning jewel of your home; somewhere that you feel that sense of pride whenever you walk in there. However, the perfect sunroom doesn’t just happen by accident. it takes regular maintenance to keep them looking their best.

While a sunroom contractor such as Desert Sun Patios will have designed your new space to be as maintenance free as possible, follow these annual tips about how to maintain a sunroom:

• Check the seals – one of the biggest causes of damage to your sunroom comes from the seals around the windows. Over time, they can form small cracks which will suffer from ice expansion during Calgary’s harsh winter months. Once this happens, you run the risk of losing some of the heat efficiency that keeps your sunroom warm all year long. Fortunately, sunroom window seals are relatively easy to fix and replace by yourself, so make sure that a simple visual inspection is on your list at the end of summer and the start of spring.
•  Gentle clean the frames – in a similar vein, you need to keep the external window frames clean to avoid cracks and splinters. If they’re made from vinyl or aluminum, a simple cleaning each autumn will help you avoid rust or cracks, while if they’re made from wood, you need to invest in an effective weatherproof sealant or stain to keep your frames looking great.
• Streak free glass – the main feature of your sunroom is the big windows that give you the great views of the yard and provide natural heating all year long. Keeping the internal glass clean should be on your weekly cleaning schedule, but you should also clean the external glass monthly so that dust and grime doesn’t build up. Use a mild cleaning solution will help protect your glass and using a soft cloth (or even newspaper!) will save any UV coating you installed.
• Empty the gutters – living in a windy city like Calgary means that you’re used to plenty of debris blowing around your yard. Plenty of it ends up in your sunroom gutters, and blocked gutters can ,lead to all sorts of water damage if left untreated. Fortunately, it’s as simple of getting on a ladder (avoiding learning up against the glass windows!) and scooping out the leaves and dirt. It’s always worth pouring water down the spouts to flush out any unseen blockages.
• Oil the hinges – finally, your sunroom is unique in the sheer number of opening doors and windows compared to other rooms in your home. While most of these will be tucked away from damage to the elements, you should keep a simple maintenance schedule of adding a little oil to the hinges each spring to avoid any rust or water damage.

These tasks are not time intensive and can help extend the lifespan of your windows and fixtures. A lot of them should be performed at the end of summer and winter, the two most intensive months in terms of weather-related damage, but you can also fit them more frequently throughout the year. 

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