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6 Jobs A Metal Roofing Contractor Can Do For Your Home

Posted On Saturday, 20 March 2021 20:28

The rising popularity of metal roofing is expected due to its remarkable properties. It's durable, long-lasting, energy-efficient, eco-friendly, easy to maintain, water- and wind-resistant, safe, easy to install, and it can even increase the value of your home. And, as an increasing number of homeowners discover its benefits, more houses switch to metal roofing.  

Before, metal roofing was more commonly used for commercial buildings. Many homeowners shied away from it because it didn't fit the ideal look for a home. However, these days, metal roofs come in all kinds of designs that are perfect for many types of homes, which is also another reason for its rising popularity.  

Along with the growing demand for the material itself, more metal roofing contractor services are also anticipated. Metal roofing has its differences in installation and other processes, so not all contractors will have the confidence and knowledge to work with it. This is why roofing contractors who specialize in metal roofing are a more reliable choice for your home. To familiarize yourself with what they do, this article has made an easy-to-follow list below. 

1. Inspection

Just like many roofing contractors, they also have to inspect your roof before anything else. They'll check the structural integrity and decide what works will need to be done to install a metal roof.  

An inspection will also help homeowners discover issues like water damage and rotten wood. Some of these can be difficult to spot, so getting an expert to take a close look at your roof interior will be helpful.  

2. Giving you advice and estimates 

As experts, they’ll be able to give you advice on how to deal with issues they find from inspection. They'll be able to tell you the best procedures to take and the type of metal roofing to choose. This way, you can avoid problems that you've had with your roof so far. Depending on the repairs and advice they give you, they'll also compute an estimate of the final cost.

All these factors will be necessary for you to make your final decision on what to do with your roof.  

3. Roof installation

The biggest project that they can do for your home is installing a metal roof. But, there's more to it than just ripping shingles off and slapping metal sheets on top!  Installation includes measuring, ordering materials, removing the old roof, adding insulation, installing the eave flashing, setting up the metal panels, adding flashing, and disposing of all the waste.  

Metal is a dangerous material to work with. Hiring professionals isn’t only for practicality, but also for safety. Furthermore, it can take some time to install the roof since rushing can lead to accidents and poor workmanship. 

4. Paint finish

Metal roofing contractors can also do other works, like painting your roof. Having them do the paint job for you can be beneficial as they know what kinds of paint to use and which ones to avoid. There are cheap roofing paint types in the market that just aren't worth the trouble. 

5. Maintenance 

Just like any roof, there’ll be repairs and maintenance that need to be done. Granted, metal roofing tends to last longer, so you can expect fewer repairs done. On the other hand, maintenance will still have to be done regularly to make sure it lasts longer and to avoid further issues.  

One maintenance service they can do for you is cleaning. Since it's metal, you might have to avoid certain detergents. Stick to tri-sodium phosphate detergent solutions, and you'll be fine. If you're not sure about what solution to use, you can end up ruining the roof. Besides, walking on a metal roof while you're hosing it down will be dangerous, so getting it done by an expert will be a safer choice. 

6. Other installations 

Installing the roof isn't only about the metal sheets. Other additions will be part of the contractor's job. These include adding skylights, installing gutters, and setting up snow bars. If you don't already have these in your home, you can request them as additional projects that contractors can do for your existing roof.  


Metal roofing is a prime choice for most homes, so it's no wonder that there are many metal roofing contractors in business today. Still, you'll need to make sure that you pick a trustworthy company in your area to do the job you want. Keep in mind that metal roofing is a dangerous material to work with, so significant repairs and installations are best left to the experts.  

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