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Chris Lamb Explains How to Buy A Home in Niagara Falls

Posted On Monday, 12 April 2021 23:20

As a property developer in Niagara Falls, Chris Lamb looks for various conditions when buying a house. The perfect home looks different for everyone depending on personal preference and finances. Location is just one of the many qualifications that are important when making a long-term investment. 

Shopping For A New Home

Chris Lamb is a real estate developer interested in building affordable homes in the Niagara Falls region. By building homes in a community that he is intimately familiar with, property development can be designed with a community-conscious approach.

When shopping for a new home, finding the right property developer is important. This can be done in a variety of ways. Many professionals in the Niagara Falls real estate industry have social media pages. Business pages can provide a glimpse into how a developer responds and what they’re primarily interested in. Local developers such as Chris Lamb have used Niagara College for networking.

6 Things To Look For When Buying A Home

Before buying a home, a prospective buyer must understand their finances. Since most first-time buyers cannot pay a full cash sum, loans are frequently available. Researching different loans can create a rough framework for what’s possible.


House size is a complex issue. Just as the house itself is an investment, so is the home. For individuals or couples that want children, a bigger house may be necessary. It can be difficult for many people to judge their future and how much space will be needed, but priorities frequently change. 

For adults who have just retired or couples that may need to take care of aging parents, a bigger house may also be necessary. If a bigger house is not possible, additions can be added at a later date, depending on the house structure. This is worth considering regardless of age or family members.

Landscape and Curb Appeal

The property surrounding a home can affect the quality of life. Houses that are closer to busy roads can benefit from shrubbery and trees. With space for planting, this can be made possible, but growing wildlife can be difficult if the property has water or rocks. 

Trees are also a major factor when planting. Certain trees prevent flowers from blooming and can make additional greenery difficult. The amount of yard is important for pets, but maintenance can be an issue too. Depending on the individual, certain landscapes are more ideal than others.


Bathrooms and plumbing are essential for any home and must be in good working order. While most homes for sale will have plumbing issues fixed, older bathrooms can become problematic over time. Bathroom fans can be an overlooked issue when buying certain homes. 

Depending on location, bathrooms that rely on windows for ventilation can cause cracked paint and mold. If water damage is found around the toilet, this can also be hazardous. Since mold usually occurs in damp areas, this is an area that requires special attention. 

HVAC Systems

Heating and cooling systems have an enormous impact on how comfortable an individual is in their own home. An HVAC system can be repaired or replaced, but the cost may vary depending on the unit. Before buying a home, it’s important to ask what type of system the house has to estimate cost. Heating and cooling costs can be minimized with the right type of insulation and layout. Open layouts with wide spaces can potentially cause higher heating and cooling bills depending on the house’s location.

The Basement

Basements are often unfinished and used for storage purposes. It can be easy to overlook this area of a house. While often hidden from the rest of the home, a basement can provide essential knowledge about a house’s foundation. Checking for water leaks can save home-owners time and money in the future. Cracks in the wall and mold are also a sign that maintenance is needed. 

The attic

The roof is a key structural element to any building. Since many people do not physically examine the roof, the attic can be a good place to gauge its quality. Any leaks or mold in the roof’s structure can be problematic. Infestations are also more likely to occur in the attic. Droppings are often a first clue that there may be an issue with rodents. The attic is also a prime spot to check insulation and ventilation in the home.

The Community 

Buying a home is not just about the structure and quality of a house. The community surrounding a home is where many individuals will socialize. Other priorities to assess include neighborhood safety, work commute, and public schools.

When assessing a work commute, traffic should be noted as well as distance. While it may be only a few miles from work, traffic can cause major delays. Roads that are rarely used or commutes with multiple options often work best.

Neighborhood news sites can often be a helpful way to assess safety. Certain statistics can also be checked through crime tracker sites. Comparing neighborhoods is a smart way to see overall safety rates in the area. 

Quality education in the public school system is a priority for many parents. Local statistics and even social media can help in this area. Even potential homeowners who do not plan on having children may benefit from a school’s reputation. The investment of a property involves more than just the house.


Buying a home can seem like a complicated process without the right support. A foundation of real estate professionals can help find the right home in the right price range. To find someone trustworthy, the community and local recommendations can help.  

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