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Tips for Building Wardrobes in Alcoves

Posted On Tuesday, 27 April 2021 22:59

Wardrobes are crucial bedroom fixtures. They are central to organizing spaces and decluttering rooms. Wardrobes come in different designs. Freestanding units are often used for additional storage but in some cases they are the only storage unit. On the other hand, in-built wardrobes are installed as part of the interior finishing of the house. The wards are also styled differently depending on personal preference. From the Victorian style to an ultra-modern design, there is no limit to how your wardrobe can look. Alcove wardrobes are particularly versatile and all you need is a few tips to design a stunning custom unit. Here are the tips for building wardrobes in alcoves.

Get the dimensions right

One thing you should never get wrong while building fixtures is the dimensions. The dimensions determine whether your installation will have symmetry and structural integrity. If you get the measurements wrong you run the risk of compromising structural integrity and making an ugly piece. Wardrobes installed into alcoves are limited to the shape and size of the alcoves. The wardrobes are carefully fitted into the wall recesses to ensure the final design looks great. Dimensions are also key for designing particular parts of the wardrobe including drawers and door panels.

Make use of the entire alcove

Alcove spaces can easily turn into dead spaces if they are not used well. Wardrobes turn alcoves into functional spaces. Since the wall recess is often small, it’s important to utilize the entire alcove for your wardrobe setup. Good use of space results in a great storage unit that serves to declutter your house. It's important to maximize storage space on an alcove wardrobe. Ensure compartments are designed well and no space is left functionless. If you are in need of extra storage space, you can design a ceiling to floor alcove wardrobe. The storage space available on such an installation is certain to meet your needs

Have storage options for your alcove wardrobe.

A wardrobe provides numerous storage options that make life a little more convenient. For your alcove wardrobe ensure the storage compartments vary in size. This allows you to organize your belongings according to size. Moreover, there is minimal wasted space when storage compartments are designed to match what they store. Another great storage option is drawers. They are great for putting away valuable belongings like jewelry, wallets and clutch bags. Drawers can also have a lock function if you are keen on securing private belongings. Hanging rods can also be fitted into wardrobes to ensure you have a place for your coats.

Colour design and styling matter

Wardrobes are part of the interior design of a home. In addition to their storage function they also serve an aesthetic purpose. Thecolour design for your wardrobe should blend seamlessly into the colour scheme of the room. You can never go wrong with neutral colours. They complement spaces and are easy on the eyes. However, bold colours are a good option when you are looking to create contrast. You only need to be keen on thecolour choice since bold colours are less forgiving than neutral colours. Aside from colour you should also pick a style for your alcove wardrobe. Since wardrobes take a huge portion of the wall space, they can set the theme for the room. There are different styling options ranging from classic designs to modern finishes. Selection is based on personal preference.

Add Shoe storage

Shoes should have a place in your wardrobe set up. Alcoves provide a good space to install shoe racks within the wardrobe. The shoe rack is best placed on the lower compartments of the wardrobe. You can also install dowels directly into the wall and hang your shoes. This saves space and it’s easy to set up.

Alcoves are great spaces for installing wardrobes. You only need to know what you are doing and avoid some of the common errors.

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