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How To Prepare To Move Out Of State

Posted On Wednesday, 26 May 2021 19:42

Moving out of state isn’t something you can just do on a whim. For it to be a successful move, there are certain steps you should first undertake as part of the preparation process. That way, you can avoid unnecessary stress and problems in the future. Remember that this is a big pursuit you have to get right so you can start fresh in your new location.

Moving can be an exciting time in one’s life, but this doesn’t mean that it isn’t going to require hard work. If you’re planning to move, you’ve got to be willing to put in enough time and effort so you’ll be able to begin your new life on a positive note.

To make your move more efficient, here are some tips you can follow:

1. Have A Moving Binder To Get Yourself Organized

The best way to prepare for your move out of state is to stay as organized as possible. Have a well-made plan so you know what to do and how to go about each step involved. Even if you aren’t an organized person, it won't hurt to start practicing being one. In doing so, you won't miss anything important.

One simple way to stay organized is to have a moving binder. You can then create categories based on the different matters that have to be settled before moving day. Keep in mind that it’s not just the physical move itself you have to be concerned about. There are also the utilities you have to cut; auto transport services to request; phone, credit card, and bank records to update with your new address; and if you’ve got kids, a new school for them to enroll in.

When you have a moving binder, it’s easier to keep documents related to your job, your children’s school requirements, real estate in case you’re selling your current home, and your running budget.

2. Research Your New Location

If you have the time to visit your new location before your big move, then it’s a good idea to take that trip either by yourself or with your family. If you can’t travel that far for that purpose, then you can always allocate half an hour per day to research more about that city or state.

When you do this, you can familiarize yourself with your new home so you won’t feel like a complete tourist once you get there. Your arrival will be more seamless if you at least know where the nearest supermarkets, banks, and other important establishments are. Also, it’d be ideal to know the customs and laws in your new city or state so you can be sure that you aren’t going to make avoidable errors.

3. Budget Accordingly

Moving isn’t cheap. Even when there are aspects of it such as packing that you can do on your own, it’s still expensive overall. This is why you have to be careful with your budget.

Prioritize shipping or bringing with you only the things you absolutely need. If there’s anything you can donate or sell before you move, then do so. When you donate your belongings, you’ll reduce your packing and shipping expenses. And when you sell them, you’ll have more money to add to your moving budget.

If you have to break up your out-of-state move into different days, be sure to factor in your hotel and food expenses during the move.

4. Determine The Cost Of Living In The State

One of the most common mistakes when moving is that people forget to take cost of living differences into consideration. If you’re moving because of your job, perhaps the salary is going to be higher where you’re headed off to, and you may be given an attractive relocation package as well. Still, in general, the cost of living isn’t always going to be the same.

You can call yourself lucky if the cost of living in your new location is lower than in your previous one. But if that’s not the case, then you need to start adjusting your usual budget. Figuring out the cost of living in the state you’ll move to will allow you to avoid financial challenges in the long run.


Are you now more confident about moving out of state? With the tips above, you can be less anxious about the move and get started with the preparation process. The earlier you begin, the higher the likelihood that your move is going to be smooth and successful.

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