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Is the Landscaping Industry Unaffected by Covid-19?

Posted On Tuesday, 15 June 2021 21:04

A lot has changed in US real estate since the pandemic broke out. Housing prices have skyrocketed in some areas, while in others, they have plummeted. However, COVID in the landscaping industry has not managed to affect it as much as the pandemic has hurt other, major real estate sectors like construction. If anything, popular and local landscapers in some sections of the United States are reporting that they have more work on their hands this year than they have had for years.

How and Why is the Landscaping Industry Booming?

This unexpected boom within the landscaping industry is brought on by two factors. Firstly, there are so many bored homeowners restricted to their homes these days. People are constantly looking for ways to liven up the exteriors as best as they can. Naturally, the local landscapers are thriving because of that.

Secondly, there is the fact that both a property’s value and its chances of sale can be boosted by making improvements to the landscaping. Consequently, landscapers are being employed by people looking to sell their current homes at a better price. As to what landscaping improvements might help sell a house faster, let’s take a quick look through some of the most popular ideas next.

A Comfortable Patio

The aesthetics of a patio’s design will vary with the property’s overall exterior décor, but patios should always look inviting and comfortable. To understand why the patio décor should prioritize coziness over aesthetics, we need to first understand what the patio represents. For the potential buyers and/or the present residents, a covered and beautifully decorated patio looks and feels like a room without walls. It’s a point where the outdoor environment meets the indoor environment, blending into each other seamlessly.

The welcoming feel needs to be integrated into the patio’s design, build, paint, furniture, and all other furnishings meticulously. As a result, the property starts to feel like home to all potential buyers, even before they step inside. This is a subtle psychological effect, brought on by the fact that we always associate comfort with home. Below, we have listed a few proven ideas to make the patio look inviting and cozy:

  • All seating arrangements should be spacious and thickly cushioned (removable cushions)
  • Additional throw pillows are great for both making the seats comfier, and for creating accent highlights.
  • Choose softer, calming shades of orange, cream, white, off-white, and dark gold.

The Outdoor Kitchen

Taking the theme of a weekend barbecue many steps further, an outdoor kitchen is a novel idea with amazing sales potential. It isn’t supposed to be just a gimmick though, and controlled, gaslit fires in an outdoor kitchen are much less dangerous than the open fire of a barbecue grill. Do keep the kitchen décor and its features minimalistic to keep the idea practical.

Go Green (Literally!)

Travel and tourism are limited these days, and those that love the outdoors can certainly use a bit more greenery. This is a shared sentiment so you cannot go wrong by adding more greenery to the yard. Use flowering plants strategically to create natural, blooming highlights amidst the sea of green in different shades.

Whether you are looking to sell a house or improve its quality for yourself and your family during these long periods of homestay, a well-planned exterior décor can provide true relaxation. Just make sure that you do not end up overextending financially.

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