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4 Essential Communication Practices for Realtors

Posted On Tuesday, 24 August 2021 20:06

Real estate agents need to master many skills to close a sale and transform their businesses. Learning laws and financing processes are important, but there's no denying that communication skills are at the top of the list. If you can't connect with your clients, the odds of you closing a deal are slim to none.

Communication is important because you'll be dealing with different types of clients. From first-time homebuyers who need education to experienced investors who want relevant details, agents have to be prepared to convey the right information all the time. 

Research shows that 17% of an agent's business comes from referrals, and a further 13% comes from returning customers. Clearly, communication is a key tool in your arsenal. Here are X tips that will help you communicate better with your clients.

Embrace Omnichannel Communication

Communication these days is a mix of online and offline methods. Successful realtors are present on several channels, from social media to phone messaging apps. To successfully close a deal, you should offer your clients the means to contact you in as many ways as possible.

One of the reasons realtors don't embrace omni channel communication is because integrating and tracking multiple messages is tough. For instance, if you have 4 prospects looking at 6 properties and if all of them are communicating simultaneously on 3 channels, keeping track of deal flow can get complicated in a hurry.

This is why creating a client portal for realtors is essential. An online presence, backed by the right software, not only helps you consolidate messages onto a single platform but also helps you automate scheduling and payments. You can create a list of activities and present it to clients in an easily understood dashboard.

Along with these lists, you can also list appointments, payment reminders, and allow them to securely upload documents. The result is open communication that reduces the time you spend tracking conversations and an instant credibility boost.

Share Stories

Everyone loves a good story. When explaining features of a property or walking clients through complicated financing terms, it's best to share stories from your prior experience (or that of a colleague). Stories help you build trust with your clients and let them indirectly know that you have the experience they're seeking.

Always consider your body language and remember that your clients will evaluate your non-verbal communication more than what you tell them. Listen to what they have to say and always relate something back to your experience to put them at ease.

When asking your clients questions, watch out for some of the stories they tell you. For instance, if they mention living in their grandmother's home, ask them what was special about it and whether they're interested in replicating some of the amenities that home had. 

Listening to your customers' stories is a great way to help them zero in on the property of their dreams.

Set Expectations Early

Many realtors inadvertently build high expectations when speaking to clients because they push forward with the sale, irrespective of realities. For instance, a client's dream property might not be available for their budget but giving them hope that financing terms can smooth the deal is unrealistic.

While it makes the client happy in the short term, they're eventually going to discover that there's no way they can close on the property. In such instances, the first person they'll blame is you, and your reputation will suffer as a result.

Aside from setting market expectations, you should also set expectations regarding communication. These days, everyone is connected all the time, and it can lead to clients messaging you at odd hours, asking questions. Let your clients know when you'll be available and how to best reach you when you're at work and outside of work.

These processes will make your life a lot easier, and you won't be glued to your phone all the time. You'll have more time to focus on tasks that need execution to close sales.

Use Automation Carefully

Automation saves realtors a lot of time, especially in marketing and client follow-up. However, it's best to pay attention to when automated messages are appropriate. Overstep boundaries and you'll come across as tone-deaf and turn clients away from you.

For instance, reaching out to prospects via an automated email is a great idea. If they respond to you positively, you'll need to engage them through personalized messages. Sticking to automated email chains is a surefire way to turn them off.

Every client wants to speak to a human being and deal with a friendly person.

Better Communication, Happier Clients

Communication is at the core of every real estate transaction. Follow these 4 tips, and you'll ensure that your clients and prospects keep returning to you. Pay special attention to your non-verbal communication, and you'll find that your business will flourish.

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