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4 HVAC Maintenance Tips For Homeowners

Posted On Wednesday, 06 April 2022 05:40

Your HVAC unit controls the air that comes into your home and is essential to your household's respiratory health. It not only heats and cools their air for better comfort but also filters harmful particles and bacteria. This is particularly necessary if members of your family have existing allergies or are vulnerable to them. 

If you’ve had your HVAC system for a while and would like to keep it operational for longer—maintenance is key. This consists of cleaning, repairing, and inspecting the different parts of your unit. 

As such, here are four maintenance tips homeowners can follow to keep their HVAC units going: 

  1. 1. Get Your HVAC System Serviced 

One of the best ways to extend the lifespan of your HVAC unit is to hire a technician for an inspection and repair job if needed. You can do this annually or every six months if you want your unit checked before the next season comes around. 

Getting your system serviced by an HVAC company such as can help prevent costly replacements later on. They can detect potential breakdowns and hazards before they become critical. You can expect the technician to clean the ducts, coils, and drain lines, among other parts. 

HVAC companies also check if your fan is working and give you some advice on how to keep your specific unit running effectively. Moreover, as a safety precaution, they can also check for leaks and test that your carbon monoxide detector is still working properly.

2. Clean Or Replace The Filters 

The filter in your HVAC unit plays an important role in keeping the air in your home free from impurities and dirt particles. Thus, they’re susceptible to gathering dust and dirt over time and should be routinely checked and cleaned. Not only will this keep the air healthy, but it could prevent costly energy bills that could come from a clogged system forcing the air conditioner to work harder. 

You should clean the filter at least twice a month, especially if you have pets or live in a windy and dusty environment. Additionally, if your area is prone to numerous storms, you should clean or replace the filter after significant weather events. During the maintenance check, look out for outside debris, dust, and dirt and make sure there aren’t any cracks or damage.  

3. Manage The Temperature Level

Most thermostats have a recommended temperature level that you should apply to your home. For your home, consider installing a programmable smart thermostat. These have a temperature gauge that adjusts the levels as the day goes on to cool or heat your home. Doing this will ensure that your thermostat spends energy as efficiently as possible and lasts longer. 

Operating your system at an optimum temperature is also a way to keep your utility bills down. Furthermore, when you’re not at home, be sure to set the thermostat so that it keeps your home cool in winter and warm in summer. You should also consider this when your family is asleep. This can pay off in the long run as the system works with ease and uses less energy to function. 

  1. 4. Inspect The Ducts 

The ducts are the main conduits where filtered air comes into your home. They mainly work with the furnace and air conditioner to ventilate, heat, and cool filtered air set by the thermostat. Due to this, you should perform a thorough inspection of the ducts to guarantee your home is receiving the best possible indoor air quality and eliminate bad odors.

One of the first points to examine is the condition of your ductwork. Check around the bends for any breaks and cracks. Any damage discovered could signal that your ducts are collecting and distributing debris from your above attic or basement. 

Next, you can check that each section is still intact and firmly connected to be sure that the passage of airflow is consistent and that there aren’t any air leaks. If your home was constructed several decades ago, you should be checking for substances such as asbestos. 

The health risk is mainly present when the asbestos fibers are loose and scattered in the ducts. If they’re part of the cardboard insulation and are still perfectly attached, then they won’t be a problem. However, if you’re unsure, you can call in a technician just to make sure.  


Maintaining your HVAC unit system is an imperative process to sustain healthy air quality in your home and protect the health of your loved ones. The benefit of this can also be felt in your bank account as a more efficiently running unit can reduce electrical costs and avoid expensive restoration in the future.

All it needs is some cleaning effort and inspecting from you every few weeks and a serviceman annually. A key tip to remember is to aim to keep your system productive and functional. It doesn’t need to be fully perfect to be acceptable. Try to address problems as soon as they’re noticed to stave off a need for extensive repairs later on. 

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