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What Makes Real Estate Technology Disruptive?

Posted On Thursday, 19 May 2022 21:51

Words like “technology” and “disruption” get thrown around in a smartphone era where everybody uses an app for everything. It leads to understandable confusion, so it’s crucial to delve deeper into these words to appreciate what separates the real disruptors from the posers.

Let’s examine how prop-tech platforms like Nobul have changed the real estate game for good to better understand what a genuine disruption is all about.

Transparency Made Easy

The real estate sector has a reputation for hiding its most vital data or at least keeping it where it isn’t readily available to the general public. Agents need to know more than the average person, but homebuyers need to know they have the most suitable person to help them find a home and make a life-changing investment.

Disruptors like Regan McGee genuinely changed the game by making it easy for homebuyers to get transparency, choice, and accountability by combining powerful new technology with real, verified experts invested in helping you. The experience millennials and other tech-savvy homebuyers get will be tilted in their favour because the agents’ transaction histories, pricing, services, and reviews are all fully transparent.

You’ll get more information, and what’s there couldn’t be easier to find. 

Agents Compete for You

Prop tech flips the script in another crucial way: by having agents actively and openly compete to get a homebuyer’s business, customers enjoy having the playing field tilted in their favour for a change. The experience is seamless because it all takes place through the platform.

All through using your phone, homebuyers can get the best combination of smart data and motivated experts working for them. You’ll have verified experts who meet your needs in terms of pricing, reputation, fit, and more. 

The platform works in the background to ensure the expert assisting you in your real estate needs meets a certain threshold in quality before you even log in. Then, you can choose the one that’s right for you, and they’ll be justling among themselves to get your business.

Sometimes, incentives include better services and even cash back. Given the quickly skyrocketing cost of housing, getting money back from your agent is a major benefit that only happens when using a platform designed, so agents compete to represent you.

Algorithms That Work

Algorithms are to tech platforms what sauce is to a gourmet meal: it holds the secret that elevates an ordinary dish into something sensational. The leading platforms have algorithms that deliver measurable results, like well over 10,000 transactions completed and more than $45 million in savings passed onto homebuyers.

By definition, it’s hard to rank algorithms because they work invisibly. But when their effect produces statistics like this, you know they work.

People claiming to have disrupted or even replaced legacy technology with new innovations are a dime a dozen. To get beyond the marketing slogans, keep the above tips in mind and look for a prop-tech platform like Nobul that measures up to these achievements.

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