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The Ultimate Guide For Hiring A Handyman Service For Various Home Repairs

Posted On Monday, 17 October 2022 21:17

Do you need someone to repair your broken doorknobs? How about improving your home's exterior and fixing your leaky pipes? You probably think you're up to these tasks, but unfortunately, you're not.

As a responsible homeowner, you must call for an expert who can help fix general repairs inside your home. But why should you? If you try to fix everything on your own, things may worsen. What's supposed to be a plain and simple task can turn into a costly repair.

That 'someone' who you should be hiring is called a handyman. But first, what is a handyman, and what do they do?

A handyman is a friendly and reliable individual who can fix various home improvement repairs you wouldn't want to do yourself. From plumbing leaks and faulty electrical wires to defective appliances and general exterior repairs, you name it; there's nothing a handyman can't fix.

So, if something in your home needs to be repaired, hire a handyman immediately. But how? This article contains all the information you need to know before you hire a handyman service who can help you fix your house problems. Read on to learn more.

The Difference Between A Handyman And A Contractor

Although a handyman differs significantly from a contractor, others use them interchangeably. So, what makes these two terms different? And how will you distinguish one from another? 

First, a contractor is a licensed individual specializing in a specific field. This may include electricity, plumbing, water damage restoration, mold remediation, roofing, and other tasks that may require advanced tools and heavy equipment.

In other words, if the problem is complex and requires specific skills, it would be best to hire a contractor, not a handyman.

On the other hand, a handyman can perform a broader range of home repairs that are not as complicated as the tasks handled by contractors. Some have undergone professional training, while others are self-trained at home through personal experiences.

In addition, some handymen may specialize in a specific home improvement task, such as painting, caulking, tiling, performing wood rot treatment, and carpentry. Although most handymen aren't required to get a license, some states may require them to apply for insurance.

Moreover, hiring a handyman instead of a contractor offers many benefits, such as:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Hiring a handyman isn't as expensive as hiring a contractor. For example, some contractors may require additional manpower, which comes with additional labor fees and other expenses related to their expertise and materials. 
  • Simpler Terms: Handymen's terms are much simpler and easier to understand than contractors'. All you need is to pay them based on their work hours or a rate both of you have agreed upon.
  • Lower Rates: Handymen have lower rates than contractors because they don't have a license and don't need to hire additional laborers because they usually handle all tasks alone.
  • Material Wise: Hiring a handyman helps you save money when purchasing materials. Contractors often supply the materials needed, but they usually include markups. If you buy your own materials, they may decline the work offer.


At this point, you probably understand the difference between a handyman and a contractor, from the basic definition of terms to the services they can offer. 

Although hiring a handyman offers many benefits, keep in mind that they may not be able to solve all your problems. This is especially true when it comes to complex jobs requiring a contractor's expertise and skills (e.g., advanced plumbing and electrical works).

Furthermore, understanding these differences will help you hire the right person who can deal with your home problems effectively.

Tips On Hiring The Right Handyman Service

Now that you know when to hire a handyman, it's time to find out how to hire the best one. Hiring the right handyman ensures a job well done without any fuss. Not just that, they can also help prevent bigger issues in the future.

Below are some helpful tips on finding the right handyman who can address a wide range of home repairs effectively and efficiently.

  1. 1. Browse Different Sources

The first thing you need to do is to look for qualified handymen using different sources, such as:

  • Craigslist 
  • Classified ads from newspapers
  • Online sources (e.g., company website, social media, and search engine)
  • Bulletin boards
  • Direct mail marketing materials (e.g., mail, flyers, brochures, and leaflets)
  • Public spaces (e.g., train stations, malls, expos, etc.)
  • Yellow Pages


These are some of the best places where you can discover the handyman you need. While you're on it, look for reviews about them, which can be found on search engines, company websites, and social media accounts. 

When evaluating reviews, it's important to consider both positive and negative feedback. Then, weigh each review based on your needs. For example, if you have plumbing issues, look for reviews related to plumbing or water systems. 

Additionally, reading the general feedback can also help you decide who to hire. Previous clients might write about professionalism, efficiency, grooming, etc. This will help narrow your options until you find the right handyman you need.

  1. 2. Find Out What The Handyman Can Do

If you want to know who among your options is up to the task, you need to find out what they can do. This is especially important if you have different home repairs to fix, from your plumbing to your home's exterior to your walls. 

It might be better to look for a handyman who knows how to handle different jobs. However, some handymen prefer to undergo specialization, which gives them an advantage in their chosen specialties. 

So, who should you pick: the one who can do many things or the one who can fix a specific issue most effectively and efficiently? The answer really depends on your needs and the requirement of your home's repair. 

Hiring a handyman with broader knowledge is a better option if you have plenty of minor issues to address. But if you only have one issue to fix, hiring those who specialize in it would be better.

To give you an idea, here are the most common jobs you can expect from a handyman:

  • Assembling Furniture: Assembling an item of furniture may be challenging for you. Hiring a handyman is the perfect solution for this problem.
  • Installing Shelves: You may hire a handyman if you need extra shelving to store small pieces of furniture, pantry staples, books, and more.
  • Installing And Repairing Doors: If one of your doors gets broken or if you need to install a new one, you may call a handyman to address these concerns.
  • Painting: It's never easy to paint a room, let alone the entire house. If that's the case, you may consider hiring a handyman (or a team) to paint your home.
  • Installing Crown Molding: If your crown moldings are outdated, replace them with new ones to give your home a boost. A handyman is the perfect one for this job. 
  • Hanging Portraits And Window Treatments: This job may look easy, but it requires power tools and different types of hardware, which can be complicated. If you don't know what to do, hire a handyman instead.
  • Improving Home Exterior: This is the first thing people notice. So, it's in your best interest to make it look as presentable as possible. If you find any issues regarding your home's exterior, call a handyman and have them fixed right away.
  • Installing Patios And Decks: Patios and decks can boost your home's value; it's also perfect for summer. However, the process can be stressful, especially if you try doing it alone. If that's the case, it'd be best to leave everything in the hands of a professional handyman, from construction to installation to maintenance.
  1. 3. Ask Questions

Once you've narrowed down your options, the next thing to do is to ask them questions. Doing so will allow you to know them better and see if they are qualified to complete the specific repair or task. 

If you have no idea what to ask, here are some questions you might need to consider:

  • Can you give me some local references? A good handyman often receives positive feedback from their previous clients. Expect them to provide you with at least three customer references, which you can call at random times to verify their statements.
  • Do you have a license or insurance? As said earlier, many handymen don't have licenses because most states don't require them to get one. However, they might need to get insured so you won't be burdened with medical expenses in case of accidents that may happen to them.
  • How much will the project cost me? A good handyman can give you a detailed estimate of the entire project, including labor and materials. Evaluate the estimates provided by other candidates and see who among them gives a reasonable one. 
  • How long will the project take? Depending on the severity of the project, it could take a couple of hours or a few days. You might need a handyman who works quickly, but make sure the results are worth your money.
  • How much is your rate? The rate depends on the handyman; it could be an hour-based or project-to-project basis. Carefully evaluate and compare the rate of multiple handyman services to determine if they're charging you justly and fairly.
  • Are you working alone? Most handymen don't require additional laborers to complete the job since they often perform the task themselves. But sometimes, they do, depending on the kind of repair. This will entail additional expenses because you also have to pay their laborers.
  1. 4. Do Your Research

Once you've settled on a handyman service provider that fits your standards and requirements, don't hire them just yet. You'll want to ensure they're really the best person for the job. It's best to dig for more information about them and verify their experiences and backgrounds. 

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Browse Your Search Engine: You might've done this earlier while looking for a handyman, but you might want to do it again to ensure you're hiring the right one for the job.
  • Check Their Social Media: Learn more about them by checking their social media accounts. See how they respond to customer queries, address the needs of their clients, and communicate with them publicly.
  • Consult Friends And Family Members: Ask your family and friends if they have been serviced by your chosen handyman before. If they're pleased with the services provided to them, go for it. If not, consider it as a red flag and try to look for others instead.
  1. 5. See If They Have The Qualities Of A Good Handyman

Knowledge, skills, and experience are the qualities most homeowners often consider when hiring a handyman service provider. Although these qualities are essential to finding the right person, they don't necessarily mean they're the best. It would help if you also considered other qualities that go hand in hand with knowledge, skills, and experience, such as:

  • Reliability: You want to be sure that the person you hired will keep their end of the bargain. A good example is sticking to the timeline and budget that both of you agreed upon.
  • Respectful: Do you think they respect you enough to earn your favor? If not, chances are they won't treat your home with respect and care for it as you do.
  • Professionalism: They should have a strong sense of fulfilling work ethics and standards, no matter what. That's how they can exhibit professionalism in their duties.
  • Honest: Honesty is an admirable trait, and it's never easy to embrace, especially if you're afraid of breaking other people's trust. So, look for a handyman who knows how to admit and take full responsibility for their mistakes instead of hiding them from you.

Final Words

Hiring a handyman to address various home repairs yields many benefits, such as cost-effectiveness and easy-to-understand agreement. However, you want to find the right one to ensure good quality and efficient work. The comprehensive tips discussed above can help you identify the best handyman for the job. 

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