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The Inspection that was Skipped Prior to Your Home Purchase

Posted On Saturday, 01 July 2023 00:03

I assure you that your home inspector is probably the most integral guy around! Your home sold just above market value, and you feel you got a deal on it still! The home you were sold was mostly good on paper, there are still secrets in the nooks and crannies of any home that can go untold. The interior and exterior are probably fine, but let’s look a bit deeper. The walls of your home are one large area that does not get even looked at from the inside out. The crawlspace may not even get a crawl from the inspector and the attic also could be avoided if possible. Home inspectors are supposed to be checking all the boxes, but oftentimes they do not want to get behind the boxes in your attic. To get back to check the wiring job for your HVAC system, you may need to move things around and do a proper cleaning. If you need professional cleaning of your attic, call us for professional Attic Health. 

Sellers Don’t Want A Deep Attic Inspection

In Real Estate, home sellers tend to be more eager to sell than buyers. Having a deep inspection of an attic or crawlspace may be on their lowest priority as they are eager to sell and not as excited to pay for more essential repairs. While the seller may be required to hire an inspector, the seller is not seeking an inspector to find all issues or do a proper assessment. Homeowners hope to get a report with no issues found as this is the most desirable result. An attic inspection could be just what your new home needs, or could help you to sell your home with more confidence and even a higher price.

Dangers Hidden in Your Attic 

Attics are notorious for having bad wiring jobs that result in a fire. This has been overly feared but still not properly managed. One threat that is more common is frayed wires, which can result in a fire. The attic poses various threats, including leaks, water damage, and the formation of mold or mildew. Pest infestations, along with the presence of pest waste and remains, can also be a concern. Additionally, damages caused by pests may be present. Issues with HVAC ventilation, such as tears, disconnections, or kinks leading to airflow blockage, can further compound the risks. Finally, old or contaminated insulation is another potential problem that should be addressed. It is crucial to be aware of these hidden dangers and take proactive measures to maintain a clean, well-ventilated, and pest-free attic to ensure a safe and healthy home environment. If you already know about these dangerous conditions in your attic, be sure to evaluate the risks and consider hiring a professional for an attic inspection.

Threats to your Home from the Crawlspace

While the attic can be notorious for pests and dangers, the crawlspace can be more accessible for pests. Because it is the lowest point of your home, any leaks or flooding often will go through all the way down to the crawlspace. Some crawl spaces have dirt floors, this means that all burrowing pests can get into this space. 

One common pest that gains access to the crawl space are voles. They look like big rats or mice that dig holes and also can make a home of an attic or enclosed crawl space. Voles are just one example of a crawlspace threat, but any burrowing animal under your home is not to be welcomed. Creating large open underground cavities under your home that could be filled with water during the rains can lead to various problems with the structure of your home. If you have voles in your crawlspace or near your home, you may want to consider having a professional attic inspection combined with a crawl space inspection. The vole is unique because it can get quite rapidly infested in your home attic or crawlspace and create a considerable amount of damage chewing wires, chewing outside lawn irrigation, and destroying insulation in attic or crawl space. 

Prepare Before Entering Attic or Crawlspace

Be prepared for pests and health risks when entering the attic or crawlspace. Covering your entire body, using masks and using proper lighting should be considered prior to entering the crawl space or attic. Snakes are also a common crawl space threat! While snakes do not do much digging and may keep rodents away, snakes can be a danger to your family. Spiders and other pests mentioned previously may be waiting for your attic visit without much hospitality considered. Mold, mildew and leaks are also a common occurrence in the crawlspace or attic. Before entering the crawlspace or attic, it is important to be prepared for anything! If you find any of these issues, you may want to consider hiring a professional to properly troubleshoot the leak, remove the mold or remove dangerous pests. 

Hire Professional Attic Cleaning Services 

When you don’t know what could be in your attic or perhaps you just bought your home, hire professionals! If the past owner did not properly manage their attic or crawl space, there could be numerous issues, health risks, and even dangerous threats. While many blogs claim that you can “Do it yourself” or “DIY”, the truth is you may not want to spend your weekends removing dead rodents from your attic. Also, the pest waste from the attic may cause you to get sick causing you to miss work on Monday. That is right! You can get sick from handling dead rats and their waste!

Professionals know what equipment and proper gear to wear to avoid health risks and safety risks. Often professional attic cleaning services will come out to your home for no charge to do an attic inspection. In San Diego County, Attic Health team offers a free attic and crawl space inspection! They also guarantee their insulation install for up to 2 years, which is above industry standards. While covering the cleanup yourself may be a victory, consider that the professionals will do more than clean.

How Professionals Inspect an Attic or Crawlspace

Attic professionals often conduct various inspections and assessments when entering attic and crawl spaces. In an Attic inspection, they look for water leaks, test valves, and examine electrical components such as frayed wires or improper wiring of HVAC systems. Additionally, they inspect for air leaks, fill cracks in ceilings, and examine air leaks in attic doors, as well as check the weather seals on windows and any HVAC system air leaks. Furthermore, they evaluate HVAC system efficiency, ventilation, duct seals, and potential blockages. Most times an attic inspection will also assess insulation efficiency, inspect for mold contamination, identify signs of pests in insulation materials, and provide recommendations for new insulation if necessary.

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