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Decluttering Before Moving Houses: 4 Clever Tips

Posted On Wednesday, 27 December 2023 10:41

Moving houses is undoubtedly one of life's most stressful experiences. From packing up a lifetime of memories to navigating the logistics of a new living space, the process can be overwhelming.

According to the US Census Bureau, 8.4 percent of Americans moved in 2021. While the rate declined a little from previous years, it’s still evident that a large number of people are moving every year. For most of them, the transition process while moving often proves to be very challenging. 

However, a strategic approach to decluttering before the move can make the transition smoother and more manageable. This, of course, is easier said than done. Research by Maid Brigade suggests that Americans spend around 300 hours every year cleaning their homes. Hence, when the need to declutter arises, things are bound to get messy. 

To help you out with all this, here are a few tips for decluttering effectively before moving houses.

#1 Start Early, Plan Strategically

Decluttering is a process that requires time and careful planning. Begin well in advance of your move to avoid last-minute stress.

Create a realistic timeline that breaks down the decluttering process into manageable tasks. Starting early also allows you to assess your belongings objectively and make thoughtful decisions about what to keep, donate, or discard.

Begin with the rooms or areas of your home that tend to accumulate the most clutter, such as attics, basements, and closets. These spaces often harbor forgotten items that can be either repurposed or discarded.

As you go through each room, list the items that are essential for your new home and those that you no longer need. This strategic planning will set the tone for an efficient and organized move.

#2 Embrace the KonMari Method

Made famous by organizing consultant Marie Kondo, the KonMari Method encourages individuals to keep only those items that "spark joy." When decluttering, hold each item in your hands and assess how it makes you feel. If an item no longer brings you joy or serves a practical purpose, it might be time to bid farewell.

The KonMari Method emphasizes the emotional connection we have with our belongings. This helps create a living space that is clutter-free and filled with items that bring happiness and positive energy. Applying this method can be a transformative experience, helping you let go of the past and welcome the new with open arms.

Homes & Gardens further advises that you involve the whole family when decluttering using this method. That’s so that everyone’s opinion is heard and valued. Otherwise, the KonMari Method will fail to achieve what it is supposed to.

#3 Donate and Recycle Responsibly

As you declutter, consider the environmental impact of your decisions. Instead of discarding items that are still in good condition, explore opportunities to donate them to local charities or shelters. Clothing, furniture, and household items can often find new homes with those in need.

Additionally, recycling should be a priority for items that cannot be donated. Electronic devices, old appliances, and other recyclable materials should be disposed of responsibly to minimize their impact on the environment.

If there’s a lot of stuff you want to donate or recycle, consider renting a truck. According to SitePro Rentals, pickup truck rentals across locations like Georgia and Texas will cost you between $195.00 and $227.00. For this amount of money, you can rent reliable pickup trucks to transport all your desired belongings to the donation or recycling centers. 

If you need something bigger than pickup trucks, don’t worry. You can also avail of dump truck services across selected locations. According to SitePro, locations like Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee also have trailer services that you can opt for. These trailers can also be used for carrying your items for donation or recycling. 

#4 Digitize Documents and Memorabilia

Paper clutter is a common challenge when moving houses, with stacks of old documents, photos, and memorabilia taking up valuable space. To streamline your move, consider digitizing important documents and sentimental items.

Invest in a scanner or use smartphone apps to create digital copies of paperwork, photographs, and other mementos. Digitizing your documents not only reduces physical clutter but also ensures that essential information is easily accessible during and after the move. 

For sentimental items, such as children's artwork or letters, consider creating a digital archive or scrapbook. This allows you to preserve the memories without the need for physical storage space.

In conclusion, decluttering before moving houses is a crucial step in simplifying the relocation process and starting fresh in your new home. By sticking to the tips above, you can make the experience more manageable and less stressful.

Always remember that decluttering is not just about letting go of possessions. It's about creating a space that reflects your current priorities and sets the stage for a positive and organized future at your new home. 

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