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Protecting Your House from Rainwater Damage: 5 Tips

Posted On Wednesday, 07 February 2024 10:21

Over the past few years, there have been a lot of cases of heavy rainfall in the US. In most of these instances, floods followed the heavy rainfalls. Based on new research, experts warn that the situation surrounding such weather will only worsen. 

According to the First Street Foundation, climate change is leading to more rain and flooding in different parts of the US. The impact of such heavy rainfall is already being felt across America. 

As reported by ABC News, fifteen million Americans were under flood watch in the last week of January this year. This was due to a coastal storm that drenched the Northeast. With such weather becoming more and more common, it has become vital for Americans to understand how to protect their homes from rain damage. 

In this article, we’ll share a few tips discussing the ways you can protect your home from rainwater damage. 

#1 Gutters and Downspouts Maintenance

Start by inspecting your gutters for debris, such as leaves and twigs, which can impede water flow. Regularly clean and flush the gutters to ensure they remain unobstructed.

Downspouts play a pivotal role in the functionality of gutters. Extend downspouts away from the foundation, ideally directing water at least five feet away. Consider installing downspout extensions or diverters to guide water into designated drainage areas.

Proper fascia board selection also plays a crucial role here. Fascia boards provide additional moisture protection to your home’s roofing system. More specifically, they protect your roof's edge from moisture infiltration, which, in turn, prevents mold growth.  

According to Belco Forest Products, high-quality fascia materials make your roofing system stronger and more durable. This ensures that the edges can hold up well over time, even during heavy rainfall. 

#2 Sealant Applications

Applying sealants is a highly effective way to protect your home from rainwater. Sadly, many people often overlook this home protection strategy.

You must regularly inspect and reapply sealants around windows, doors, and other openings in your home's exterior. That’s because, over time, these seals can degrade due to exposure to the elements. This, in turn, allows water to easily infiltrate your home during heavy rain.

Opt for a silicone-based sealant for your home. It provides a durable barrier against moisture and is particularly effective in areas prone to expansion and contraction, ensuring longevity and reliability.

#3 Landscaping for Drainage

Craft a well-thought-out grading plan around your home to ensure water naturally flows away from the foundation. Slope the terrain away from the house, encouraging rainwater to move towards designated drainage areas.

Consider installing permeable surfaces, such as gravel or pavers, in areas where water tends to collect. These surfaces allow water to infiltrate the ground, preventing pooling and reducing the risk of foundation damage. Planting native, water-absorbing vegetation in strategic locations can further aid in water absorption and runoff control.

If you’re not eager to do the landscaping yourself, don’t hesitate to seek help from professional landscaping services. According to Forbes, such services can cost you between $2,600 and $13,700. The costs will vary depending on the area’s size, the duration of the project, and the tasks needed to be done.

#4 Window Well Covers

Basements are particularly susceptible to rainwater damage, often becoming the first casualty during heavy downpours. Window wells, if not adequately protected, can become conduits for rainwater to seep into the basement. Installing window well covers is a cost-effective solution to this vulnerability.

These covers, typically made of durable materials such as polycarbonate or metal, shield window wells from rainwater, snow, and debris. Ensure the covers are securely fastened and properly fitted to prevent any gaps that could allow water infiltration. Regularly clean the covers to maintain optimal functionality.

#5 Foundation Waterproofing

The foundation is the literal and metaphorical bedrock of your home's structural integrity. Waterproofing the foundation is a critical step in guarding against rainwater damage. Begin by inspecting the foundation for cracks, fissures, or signs of water seepage. Promptly address any issues with professional repairs.

Applying a waterproofing membrane to the exterior foundation walls can create an impermeable barrier, preventing rainwater from penetrating. Interior options, such as sealant paints or coatings, can be effective as well, especially in finished basements. It's essential to choose products specifically designed for foundation waterproofing to ensure long-lasting protection.

In conclusion, protecting your home from rainwater damage requires a comprehensive and proactive approach. By implementing these specific tips, you can fortify your residence against the destructive forces of rain.

Regular inspections, timely repairs, and strategic measures will not only shield your home from the immediate threats of rainwater. Doing all these will also contribute to the home’s resilience over the long term. 

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