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Tree Trimming

Written by Posted On Monday, 30 January 2017 10:19

Tree Service

Information About Tree Trimming

Tree trimming (or pruning) is one of the oldest forms of tree care. It consists of removing or trimming limbs of a tree to make the growth more sightly. While natures pruning works just as well, larger lawns and landscapes require a higher tree maintenance to function properly and appeal to the eye. Normally pruning is used to remove weak or dead limbs however, it can be done on healthy limbs to ensure that the tree is sightly on lawns. Pruning is also healthy for surrounding growths such as gardens because it lets in more sunlight. Along with all of these benefits it ensures that disease from dead or rotten limbs does not spread and it prevents tree limbs from rubbing together.

Benefits of Tree Trimming

There are many benefits to tree trimming. First off, pruning maintains tree health because you generally remove dead or dying tree limbs which allows healthier, more active limbs to blossom. You also prevent the spread of disease by tree trimming. Dead limbs are a hotspot for diseases that if left untreated could spread and not only kill that tree but any surrounding trees as well. Finally tree trimming offers a great way to clean up your lawn and make it sightly to people. Overgrown bushes and trees are known to take over people's lawns but by effectively pruning trees you can keep your lawn clean and looking pretty.

How It's Done

Tree trimming is done by using either power tools or manually operated tools to effectively remove unwanted tree limbs. It is advised that you call an arborist to help you if you don't have very much experience with pruning. Generally, you should remove branches while the tree is young so you can effectively maintain growth before it reaches full height, however, if the tree is already at full height, tree maintenance can still be applied.

To prune a small branch you must cut it back 1/4 of an inch above the bud. Make sure to prune above the bud facing the outside of a plant. This forces the branch to grow in that direction. Cut using either chain saws, or manually used tools. Some tools include pruning shears, lopping shears, hedge shears, and had saws.

Removing larger branches can be more of a challenge. You generally want to find branches that are dead or sick from disease however branch stubs, rubbing branches, water sprouts, sucker growths, closely spaced branches, or weak and narrow crotches can be removed with ease as long as you have the proper tools. Proper cutting must be used to ensure that the bark doesn't tear. Make the first cut approximately 18 inches from the trunk on the underside of the branch. The cut should be around halfway into the branch. Next make the second cut an inch further up the branch from the first cut until the limb breaks.

The best time for pruning is the late dormant pruning or late winter. This avoids certain disease and physiological tree issues. If you do not cut at the proper time trees bugs will harm your tree due to the fresh scent of a wounded tree.

Article was submitted by Dan from Treeservicefinder

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Daniel Keohane