Ken Bradley
May 2024
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Bold Patterns: Tips for Using the Trend in Your Home

Like florals? Great! Graphic patterns. Awesome. Stripes? Fantastic. Choose your poison. It’s all about graphic patterns today. The trick to making them look fresh is in the scale. Modern patterns are all about the oversized. 

Here are the tips to use to make your space sing. 

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Start with the walls

“Forget about blank walls, because one of the best interior design trends is the use of mesmerizing wallpapers,” said Décor Aid. “Installing wallpaper is a great way to add an interesting twist to your dull living spaces. This year’s wallpapers were more decorative and bold than ever before and this interior design trend is certain to replace the use of artwork and other art pieces for wall décor. Some of the most popular wallpaper designs featured landscape scenery, abstract shapes, and colorful geometric patterns.”

Think tropical

Palm imagery is on Elle Décor’s hot list, and we can see why. “Whether embroidered on a pillow, perched askew in a vase, or replicated on wallpaper, palm imagery is a major trend right now,” they said. “The look is lush, natural, warm, and most importantly, versatile. With palms, your surrounding design can be opulent and raised to the heavens or more down to earth, an organic oasis." 

Deck out a small space

You don’t need to have a palatial space to use a dramatic print. In fact, bringing large-scale patterns into a small-scale space “can actually make a much brighter impact than you might think,” said Apartment Therapy. “Adding a graphic pattern in the form of watercolor drapes, artwork, pillows, and rugs can maximize pattern—without overwhelming. Choose a lighter hue…in a contrasting color to complement rather than clash.”

Keep in mind, though, that, “Sometimes, less is more in the case of bold patterns being corralled to contrasting bed linens rather than the entire room. Choose three colors…and incorporate a mix of solids along with your chosen pattern(s) to add dimension and texture to the look.”

Make a great first impression

One King’s Lane loves graphic florals, and recommends using the saturated prints to “give your entry or a passageway a bold dash of color and florals in the form of a gallery wall made up of modern and abstract prints. As a high-traffic area that generally doesn’t invite pause, it’s a perfect place for introducing extra color. The addition of an equally mesmerizing floor pattern (or rug) makes for eye-popping balance.”

Layer, layer, layer

If you really want to get that designer look, layer in different patterns within your color story. A floral wall covering with blue, green, black, white, and pink gives you lots of options for pulling colors out. How about a black-and-white checked pillow, a rug with a blue background, and a checked throw? Now you’ve got a space that look like it was hit with a professional touch. 

Start slowly

If you love the idea of bold patterns but need to tiptoe into the trend, consider going with solids on large areas and bring in some patterned accessories. “Pattern is the great unifier in interior design,” said Freshome. “In a room featuring bold colors, you can use it to bring the design together by choosing a pattern that features your shades in a cohesive application. Look for patterned rugs, throw pillows and blankets. Though, if you’re looking to make an even bigger statement, patterned furniture will certainly fit the bill. Think about adding in a patterned accent chair or sofa to serve as the focal point of the space.”

Ken Bradley,REALTOR, e-Pro, Luxury Home Specialist
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://KenBradleyRealtor.com
Cell: 772-538-9981
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