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Are Simple CRMs a Good Thing?

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 22 October 2019 05:25

The first real estate contact manager was created in 1982 by Howard Sanderson.

It was called Howard and Friends and agents loved it. It was the first of dozens of software tools to help real estate agents do a better job of organizing their business. Unfortunately there were a relative few people who even knew about it. Those who did buy it, did so because they recognized a need for more help with their business. Everyone else just kept using what they knew – Outlook! That was called a “Contact Manager” which is a much more apt name than CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) because it did/does so little. Are simple CRMs a good thing? No. If you go too simple, don’t bother. Stay with Outlook. 

The problem with Outlook was that all it did was track your people…

…and let you make appointments on the calendar. That was pretty much it. It was essentially a glorified Rolodex That’s enough for some people, but not enough to really get the job done right. What was missing? The ability to create “activity plans”; to be able to string together a list of things you want to do with the timing you need.  That and the ability to “complete” an activity. These capabilities are necessary to be truly organized.

When agents started to realize what they needed…

…they started looking for alternative solutions. After Howard and Friends in 1982 came Real Estate Specialist a few years later. After that came Top Producer in 1989 and Agent Office in 1992. Now the tools existed to really help. The issue then became, was there something better. More and more CRMs for real estate came out and they kept getting more and more complex. Then something different happened. People started losing sight of what they needed in the first place and they started complaining that the CRMs were too complicated. 

The result was that some real estate CRMs started dumbing themselves down.

It got to the point where some of them were not much more powerful than Outlook. Are simple CRMs a good thing?

Now what we have is over 30 real estate specific CRMs of many varieties that have many different strengths and weaknesses, as well as levels of complexity. You can now get CRMs that are extremely basic. The question you want to ask yourself is this; “Do I want to get better and faster and more efficient, or do I simply want a glorified Rolodex? If it’s the former, don’t let the allure of simplicity fool you. The more simple the CRM is, the less it does. Do your due diligence and find a CRM that suits your needs. Just remember that you’re getting it to serve a purpose, not just to pacify someone who said you should have a CRM. There’s no point in investing the time and money into one if it’s not going to help much. 

If you need help finding the right solution, contact me. That’s what I do!

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Gary David Hall

Gary David Hall became a Real Estate Agent in 1987, and has been in the industry ever since. He has been in the trenches, and speaks your language.  Gary's clients often qualify him as being able to teach so that they understand, without a lot of technical jargon.  He knows exactly what it's like to sell a lot of Real Estate, and that is why his training is so relevant and insightful. Just ask his clients. His last four years in Real Estate Sales, Gary brokered 147 transactions and was on track for 60 in his last year with a team of three.  Having just come from a background as a computer technician and then a computer operations manager, he was able to put many automated systems into practice.  When it became evident that the industry needed the technological efficiency he used in his personal business, he decided to share that knowledge with other real estate professionals.  He founded RE-ACT, LLC (Real Estate Automation, Consultation and Training) in 1999.

Despite having a very successful and growing real estate career, Gary's true passion is teaching. His primary focus is helping agents and teams utilize CRM and Operations Management to improve their transaction management, lead generation, and follow-up efficiency. He is affiliated as a reseller for over 30 different products. He has traveled the country conducting technology and CRM seminars comprised of the many topics for which agents have a need for more clarity.  Most recently, Gary is sought after by associations and varying groups for his webinars on CRM.

While you can still bring Gary to your office for Real Estate Operations Management to help you organize your operations with CRM software, he has been having great success doing it online while screen sharing.  He is also available for any other kind of training or troubleshooting online as well.

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