Cheapest Way to Clean Carpet - Solution to Common Issues

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 23 October 2018 13:28
Cheapest Way to Clean Carpet Cheapest Way to Clean Carpet Cheapest Way to Clean Carpet

Keeping your carpet clean regularly can be a daunting task, particularly in those areas with a high traffic. While hiring a professional cleaning service can be expensive, it is possible to do this task on your own without spending too much money. You can make use of the available tools and products in your home to bring the best look in your living space. Here’s the cheapest way to clean carpet that you might find useful.

Cheapest Way to Clean Carpet

1. Get rid of stains

As soon as you notice the stains, make sure to treat them immediately to prevent the stains from absorbing into the padding underneath. In the worst case, they can leak into the carpet’s bottom and cause odor or mildew.
The easiest way to eliminate a blood stain is to use water. Blot the affected area with a damp and clean cloth. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing hard, or you can push the stain into the fibers and damage the surface. Once you’ve blotted away the marks, dry the area with a clean paper towel and place a hard item over the towel to soak up remaining water.
If you spill juice or win on the carpet, use club soda to blot it away. Apply a small amount on the affected surface and remove the stain with a dry cloth. Using too much club soda can create an ideal environment for mildew to accumulate in the carpet’s pad.
For pen ink stains, apply a mix of cornstarch and milk paste on the surface. Gently brush the solution off the stains with a dry toothbrush. Once the fabric has been cleaned, make sure to vacuum up all scraped off pastes.

2. Eliminate smells
The most effective solution to remove smells on your carpet is to use a combination of water and white vinegar. Combine 1 part of water with 1 part of vinegar, then spray the solution on the affected area and blot it with a clean cloth. All of the odors and stains will be removed immediately. Keep in mind to avoid using colored vinegar because it can stain the carpets further.
Baking soda is another option that many professional carpet cleaners often use to get rid of stains and odors. This is particularly helpful when you start to notice that the carpet smells in a high traffic area. All you need to do is sprinkling the baking soda and allow it to sit for a couple of hours. Once the smells have been removed, just vacuum it up.
Above is the cheapest way to clean carpet. The two most common problems tackled in carpets are odors and stains. We've listed a few different options to help you eliminate these issues with at-home solutions. 
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