Swimming Pool Maintenance Guide

Written by Posted On Thursday, 21 March 2019 10:35

A pool is one of the best investments you can make in your home. It turns your backyard into a great spot to relax and have fun with family. In order to keep enjoying this luxury for as long as possible, you must ensure that that you carry out regular maintenance and for good reason; it significantly improves the life of the pool and its components and also saves you from having to spend a lot of money in costly repairs. The following is a swimming pool maintenance guide on how to maintain your pool;

Swimming Pool Maintenance Guide - 7 Things to Remember


Brush the Walls and Vacuum the Pool

You need to brush or vacuum your pool regularly to prevent a layer of slime building up on your liner. You may use a manual vacuum or an automatic pool cleaner. This should be done weekly or bi weekly if you use the pool a lot. Doing this will prolong the life of the liner and help in keeping the pool clean and crystal clear.


Clean Out Baskets and Skim Floating Debris on a Daily Basis

Unless you have a pool cover or an indoor pool, your pool will have floating debris such as leaves or grass. If you make it a habit to manually skim as much debris as possible daily, your pool equipment will be under less stress allowing it to operate at full potential. If your skimmer basket is clogged up, it will cause issues with your skimmer as well as the entire pool system. It's vital to check on this every day to keep your pool equipment in perfect condition.


Clean Your Filters Regularly

Your filters are what keeps the pool clean and free from all sorts of floating particles. As such, your filters need to be shown some love by giving them a deep cleanse every now and then. A simple backwash or rinse won't do in this case; chemically clean the filters once every season and after a pool problem like algae. This helps get rid of any built up oils and dirt that a rinse can't.


Maintain Proper Water Level

The recommended operating water level is usually 3/4 up the skimmer. If you want your pool to always operate at its greatest potential, keep the water level at this point at all times. If your water falls below this point,your pool components may malfunction and it can cause the pump to burn out.


Keep the Water Well Balanced

Taking care of the water is vital to good pool maintenance. Regularly test the chlorine and pH levels and adjust as required.


Repair Leaks ASAP

If you notice that your pool is losing more water than what would be considered normal, call a professional to detect and repair any leaks.


Swim Regularly

Swimming pools turn green when left unused for long im high temperatures. Proper circulation during the summer will retain the nice color.


If you want to keep enjoying that swim after a long day at work, you need to invest time and money in swimming pool maintenance guide, both preventative and corrective.

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