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What are common pricing mistakes to avoid?

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 01 August 2017 05:25

You have probably heard of stunning homes whose prices have been reduced  many times but still won’t sell. Then there are homes that are average-looking and needed some minimal repairs, but have sold within a day or two.


People have many assumptions, and one is beautiful homes sell ahead of the competition. The truth of the matter is, it is not just how well-staged or charming a home is. It is always the price, first of all, that determines whether the selling process will be successful.


If you are a first time home seller, you may want to avoid the following mistakes.


  1. Over-pricing your home. Many sellers overprice their Frisco home for sale on the assumption that the price will reduce drastically during the negotiation process, so if they start high, they will still have a high profit in the end.


This is a BIG MISTAKE! When your home is overpriced, it will not sell! Clients turn to the internet and search for the homes in their specific price range and no higher, and your home will come up in the range you listed it for.


Let’s say that your home is currently priced at $600,000. It will show up in that price range but buyers will skip it because its features and amenities do not match the other homes in that price range!


If it has fewer bedrooms and bathrooms, a smaller living space, and it has way less features compared to the other homes in that range, it will always be looked over when considering their options.


  1. Using the estimates from an online home evaluator. There are so many online home evaluators to choose from, it can be tempting to just rely on the results and use that price to list your home.  


Please don’t do that. Online home evaluators are great because they’re convenient and free, but they are not accurate. You still need the help of a live agent to thoroughly assess the comparables to find the accurate market value of your home, and that is who you should use to list your Central Frisco home for sale.


  1. Being emotionally attached. I get it. I know how you love your home, and all the efforts you have put in to keep it well maintained.


But the problem is, many sellers translate their personal perception of their home’s worth as the market value. This is wrong! Your home’s market value is dependent on what the comps say, not what you think or feel it should be.


  1. Basing your price on the wrong comps. This is a mistake even newbie agents make.


Many home sellers think their home price should be from the active listings.


The truth is, pricing should be based more on the sold listings because its reflects how much a buyer is willing to pay for the home. Active listings show the home's assessed market value, not the final price the buyer will pay for.


When pricing your home, ask help from an expert listing agent or REALTOR®. Selling your Central Frisco home will be much easier if you do that.

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Loreena Yeo

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