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The Most Common Myths About Mold

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 17 July 2018 08:26

Mold is something that all homeowners fear, especially if they're in the process of trying to sell their home. Nothing can prevent the sale of your home more than the discovery of mold during an inspection. Not only does it diminish the value of the home if it isn't dealt with, but in some parts of the country, it's illegal to sell a home with mold. To help you understand the facts about mold and how it can affect you and the sale of your home, here are some of the most common myths about mold, debunked.


Myth One: Mold Can Be Killed With Bleach This is not a complete myth, as it is possible to kill some minor mold outbreaks just by removing the small amount of mold that's accumulated, typically with bleach. However, most mold that accumulates in a home needs to be removed by professional mold removal experts. Even if you suspect that a mold outbreak was small enough to be removed with bleach, it's important that you have a professional come into your home to confirm that.


Myth Two: Mold's Only Dangerous If You Have A Mold Allergy For people with mold allergies, the tiniest concentrations of mold spores can cause symptoms and foods like blue cheese are off-limits. It's true that a person without a mold allergy can be around small concentrations of mold with no problems. However, if your home has a serious black mold problem, it can cause respiratory problems for all inhabitants, not just the ones with mold allergies.


Myth Three: You Only Have To Worry About Mold After Floods It's true that a flood can be the catalyst that causes a mold outbreak. However, just because your home has never experienced a flood doesn't mean that you're impervious to a mold problem. Mold can develop from excess moisture in the air, regardless of whether or not you've ever had standing water in your home.


Myth Four: Once You Find Mold, Your Home Will Have To Be Demolished It's true that there are some homes that will have to be demolished due to a severe black mold outbreak, but this is rare and usually only occurs in homes that have been severely neglected or abandoned. In most homes, mold can be successfully removed without having to resort to demolition. There are plenty of beautiful homes in your neighborhood that have survived a mold outbreak.


Myth Five: Mold Is Only Dangerous If It's Black in Color It's true that black mold is the form of mold that we most associate with dangerous mold outbreaks in homes. However, mold can also be pink, red, orange and even white. The color of mold has a lot to do with the environment it developed in and what specific strains of bacteria fed it. Mold doesn't have to be black to be dangerous and harmful to humans. Never assume that a mold outbreak is "safe" because it's light in color.


Myth Six: Mold Can Be Painted Over Decades ago, it was a common misconception that mold would suffocate and die under a coat of fresh paint. Thankfully, most people these days understand that this simply isn't true, but it's worth clarifying for anyone who might still believe this old wive's tale. There is no type of house paint that could "suffocate" mold or otherwise eliminate it. Furthermore, painting over mold and not disclosing it to potential home buyers could set you up for some very serious legal trouble.


Myth Seven: Houses In Dry Climates Have Virtually No Risk Of Mold It's true that mold needs moisture to develop and thrive. However, just because you live in a dry climate doesn't mean that your home is impervious to a mold outbreak. While it might lower your home's risk of developing mold, it doesn't mean that you're completely safe. In fact, if you live in a dry and hot climate, you might have an increased mold risk, since many mold outbreaks are caused by leaky air conditioning systems.


Myth Eight: Mold Removal Professionals Aren't Worth The Money Of course it costs money to hire mold removal professionals. However, it will be far more expensive in the long run if you just ignore the problem or try to fix it yourself. Ignoring and neglecting a mold problem will just make it worse, which will end up making the removal a lot more expensive. You should take action and contact the professionals as soon as you locate mold in your home and not wait until the problem becomes serious.


It's important to take action if you find mold in your home, especially if you're seeking to sell your home in the near future. Remember, a mold problem won't go away on its own and it may not be something you can fix yourself.

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Chris Cahill

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