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Sell your house wisely: get the best price

Written by Posted On Thursday, 22 November 2018 03:20

Buying a home is one of the most crucial investments that people make. But sometimes we need to sell our property and move to a new place. Just like owning a home, selling the home is important as well. You can do it in two different ways – sell it by yourself or hire a professional real estate agent. After signing the deal, your buyer’s agent and your agent will share a certain percentage such as 7-10% as their commission. So, if you want to save this amount of money, you need to know how to sell your property like a pro.

Be your property’s agent:

1. Set the price of your home. Browse through the real estate websites and get a clear idea of selling values for the equivalent houses in your locality. Now, set an initial price for your home accordingly. Don’t get emotionally attached and overprice your home.

2. Get a flat fee MLS. MLS is a complete list of real estate properties in the US. Most of the prospective clients use MLS to search for homes. You can look for the agencies that will help you to list the property on MLS for a certain amount of money.

3. Know the selling points of your house. Include basic characteristics, location, lot size, numbers of bedrooms and bathrooms, size of the study, the estimated price, the location and the neighboring facilities to avail. Include something special details to make your property acceptable to all the potential buyers.

4. Holding an open house is the best idea to advertise your property for a quick sale. You can post signs in the neighboring areas. Arrange some refreshments tow welcome prospective buyers. Also, get sufficient brochures mentioning basic characteristics about the home. Visitors will take these when they leave.

Things to do before selling a home:

Before selling your house, try to improve its presentation. Ask your real estate agent or an experienced friend to guide you.

Paint wisely.

Put a fresh coat of paint on your walls to make them more appealing. Also, don’t forget the molding and trimming jobs. A fresh paint job for your old cabinets and closets is also a necessary thing to increase their longevity.

Fix up small things.

Replace or repair all the outdated and broken hardware, bathroom and kitchen fittings, door handles, curtain rods, towel bars etc. New hardware will also increase the safety of your house.

Start packing your stuff.

To make your rooms look bigger, avoid cluttering and storing unorganized stuff inside your house.

Update lighting.

Replace or repair old light fittings. Try some new lampshades, small spotlights and decorative wall brackets to increase the beauty of your house. Use brighter lamps to make your room appear bigger.

Frame windows.

Do you have the appropriate window treatment? It will enhance the natural brightness of a room and will boost up the overall appearance of your home.

Set the table.

Put some fresh aromatic flowers on the tables and green indoor plants on the balcony.

While selling the old home and shifting to a new one, decluttering a messy place is really a challenging task. We all think the easiest way is to dump everything into drawers and closets. Wait, you are going wrong. If you are holding an open house, buyers will come up to check your storage spaces. An overstuffed and disorganized closet simply will evident that your house is lacking in storage spaces. Opt for a storage unit for the things that you don’t use daily. Try to get rid off of some spacious stuff like washing machines, room heaters, baby gear, Christmas decorations, seasonal clothes, music systems etc. All of these gadgets can be stored in a public storage unit such as the storage units seattle and you can take them out once required.

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Linda Lee

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