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How To Make Effective Real Estate Flyers

Written by Posted On Tuesday, 17 December 2019 21:09

A real estate flyer is a valuable tool for real estate investors who want to set their houses apart from the opposition. An effective flyer can make your house more engaging to potential buyers, but a bad flyer may turn away possible buyers. So what's the difference between an effective flyer and a poor flyer? Over the years, I grappled with how to create an eye-catching, memorable flyer that buyers loved. After a lot of trial and error, I found out what works great. Many buyers have applauded me on my flyers at my closings. Now, I am going to share this secret weapon with you. There is a formula for creating an effective flyer. The key elements are:

1) Sell the dream

Don't just sell the house, sell the dream of home ownership. Far too often, sellers feel compelled to create over-complicated flyers that overwhelm buyers with too much information. You don't need to do that, nor do buyers want to be inundated with details about your house. When people buy houses, it's an emotional decision. You should tap into that by giving buyers passionate imagery of what it would be like to own the home. For example, include images that make people feel good about owning a home such as flowers, children, puppies, or white picket-fences. These pictures are truly worth a thousand words and dispatch more to potential buyers than any particular description ever could.

2) Include lots of photos

Buyers usually see dozens of homes before they decide to buy. So it's important to help them remember your home. Once again, instead of listing every feature, show them what they're getting. You can accomplish this by inserting as many photos as you can on the front and back of a two-sided flyer. Make sure your photos are high-quality shots taken with a brand name digital camera. Also, include a fancy trim around each photo to give the photos extra appeal.

3) Give brief descriptions

While you may have renovated the entire house from top to bottom, buyers won't take the time to read everything you list unless they are ready to make an offer. If your renovation is extensive, create a separate "list of features and amenities." However, a flyer should offer an eye-catching impression of your home. Once again, sell the dream. If your master bedroom has a nice master bath with a Jacuzzi tub, describe how nice it will be when the buyers can soak it up after a long day. If there's a park nearby, describe how nice it will be to socialize at the park and reach their neighbors. If the backyard offers a great gardening area, describe how buyers can use the generous gardening space to plant their vegetables. Whatever the features are, give them an overflowing benefit.

4) Write a personal message to the buyer

Far too often, real estate investors are depicted as opportunists out to make a quick buck. Not to mention, there are far too many fly-by-night investors that do "splash and dash" sub-par rehabs, leaving buyers with potential problems down the road. Diffuse these negative stereotypes by writing a short, personal message directly to potential buyers. Show them that you consider. Explain that you're a credible, seasoned investor who pays attention to detail. Assure buyers that your renovations are done by licensed contractors who use quality materials. If you show buyers how proud you are of the home, your energy will be contagious.

5) Use quality paper

Once you've created a fabulous looking flyer, the last thing you want to do is print it on cheap paper. Buy some quality thick stock paper from Kinko's or Office Max. Before you print a large number, run a few test prints to ensure the paper you are using absorbs the colors in your flyers well. Sometimes, a bad choice in paper can lead to images that look blurry or faded, therefore your should hire custom business flyers. Once you find some quality paper that works well, print about a hundred flyers. Leave about half in the house in a flyer stand (for showings) and about half in a flyer box in the front of the house (for people who drive by the home).

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Frank Coutinho

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