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Moving from Multitasking to Single Tasking

Written by Posted On Friday, 31 May 2019 05:38

I am as guilty as anybody else at neglecting my own attempt to improve myself with Time Management by not Multitasking. Couple weeks ago, I had a social event to attend at 5:00, needed to run errands from 3:00 to about 4:30 so my plan was start preparing an appetizer to take to the event at 1:00. Made a killer Chipped Cream Beef Dip, let me know if you want the recipe. I had all the ingredients on the counter ready and the phone rings, it’s a possible client and asked if I had time to talk. What am I going to tell them? No, did I talk, yes for more than an hour. While talking to him I am knocking out the dip, muting the call so he wasn’t distracted by hearing my KitchenAid mixer and all the noise of preparing the appetizer. Yep, guilty as charged!

We mostly all face dilemmas due to deadlines, we need to have accomplished or be someplace at a certain time. Thanks to today’s communications we are accessible almost 24/7. The person attempting to contact us doesn’t know what is happening at that moment so yes, we add another layer to our nutty life not giving our sole attention to one thing at a time. We think we are good, trying to fake but we aren’t! That Friday afternoon I should have been at my desk taking notes of our conversation, following up with an email highlighting important points from the discussion, did I? Hell no I had a party to go to, need to have our priorities!

Let me introduce you to Cluster Tasking, which I should have done Friday afternoon. I do practice this when writing and building presentations, well at least I try to. I block out a certain amount of time normally 30 to 60 minutes which involves putting my phone on mute and placing it in another room and putting my computer on “Do Not Disturb” mode. Doing this I should be able to give 100% of my attention to what I am doing. Remember in an earlier article I talked about 40% drop in productivity when multitasking and 17% dumber? I can’t afford that! By Cluster Tasking for one hour I have increased my productivity equal to 1 hour and 24 minutes. If you do this 4 times a day you have added more than 96 minutes to your day! Think about it 96 minutes a day for either production or attending a party! Please remember my slogan, “Don’t work harder work smarter”!

Dick Betts
National Director of Seminars
New Home Co-Broker Academy
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Dick Betts

Dick Betts, REALTOR® The Villages, FL with Touchstone Real Estate, Addie Owens, Broker, Mount Dora FL.  Dick has been working in the real estate industry for more than 20 years and brings his experience and expertise to help you find the best solution for your real estate needs.  Moving to Florida in 2008 he started in Ocala and began searching where in the state of Florida he wanted to call home, Florida has so many options, Beaches, Southeast, Southwest, the Panhandle.  After weighing his options, he found where he wanted to call home just 20 miles south of Ocala, The Villages!  Living fulltime in The Villages since 2011 his only regret was not moving there sooner.

Dick has traveled across North America since 2000 speaking, training and helping REALTORS® in 47 states and 5 Canadian Provinces hone their skills to better serve the public.  He now brings those years of experience to The Villages to help folks who also want to call The Villages home.  People looking to buy in The Villages are from around the world and need a tech savvy REALTOR® to serve their needs.  Selling in The Villages you want to list your home with somebody who knows how to market your home to the Facebook Generation and bring the most exposure possible to attract a buyer.

Want to really learn about The Villages Lifestyle?  Want to see what The Villages has to offer?  Let Dick Betts be your guide and help you call The Villages your NEW HOME TOWN!

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