Competitive advantage is highly sought after in the professional world. To many, it represents career success, organizational growth, and even that ever-elusive change that CEOs and entrepreneurs look to make in their industries and worldwide. Debuting groundbreaking products or services that have never before existed is what most business leaders, entrepreneurs, and organizations as a whole tend to focus on; however, the truth is that organizational culture is what provides the biggest competitive advantage in any industry! Company culture cannot be stolen or duplicated by a competitor, but by not prioritizing it, you as a business leader, manager, or executive can drastically stunt the growth of your employees and organization as a whole. I spoke with a close colleague of mine — Roxanne Emmerich, CEO of The Emmerich Group — for a recent Opportunity Hour about how to properly elevate company culture and in turn, how doing so will rapidly move the profit and…
Posted On Tuesday, 04 October 2022 00:00 Written by
This strategy will only work for those markets with homes with prices in the seven figures or so. I know this excludes most of the business we all tend to see, but it is part of establishing yourself as a local professional with market awareness.  Remember how just about every originator in the country was posting about how their new conforming loan limit was now going to $715,000? I sure do. In fact, it was the exact type of email and social media post I tell my clients NOT to be posting on social media or email blasting because it can make you look like every other originator in the country, if not downright stupid! What do I mean by this? Simply put, when everybody is posting something that they are representing as “special”, and people see dozens of other posts referring to the same thing, they realize there is nothing special about whatever it is…
Posted On Monday, 03 October 2022 00:00 Written by
You may have heard the story about Coach John Scolinos before, but as we move into the MLB playoffs, I’m reminded of it as rule changes are contemplated. Some 4,000 baseball coaches were in attendance at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee for their annual convention when one name, John Scolinos, kept resurfacing.
“Oh man,” said one, “I look forward to hearing him.” Coach Scolinos was 78 years old and had been retired from college after coaching for more than 40 years. As he shuffled onto the stage, he wore a string from which a full-sized, stark-white home plate hung around his neck. After speaking for about 20 minutes, the crowd began snickering about that home plate and thought Scolinos had perhaps forgotten he had it still hanging there. Finally, he said, “You’re probably wondering why I’m wearing this home plate?” He didn’t wait for their answer, but…
Posted On Friday, 30 September 2022 00:00 Written by
I have made my career looking at information and trying to see how that information could be used to create positive outcomes. No matter how bad the circumstance, however bleak things may seem; it has been about how does this set of facts lead us to a positive outcome or create a positive direction. The markets recently have been rocked with volatility and with social media always angling for clicks, the fastest way to a headline has always been negativity. What can make people fear the most, and they will click to see how much worse things can get! You see, most people respond more to fear than they do opportunity! So, I have made it a point to look and access each situation as unique, while being surrounded common themes. Sort of the same way each market, branch, and individual fit into the national news, rates, or guidelines. You…
Posted On Monday, 26 September 2022 00:00 Written by
Join Krisstina and Terri Murphy for their FREE Money Mondays webinars!  Click here to sign up.  Krisstina Wise is a real estate mogul, Millionaire Coach, and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses including Goodlife Luxury, The Paperless Agent and most recently, WealthyWellthy. She is also an international speaker and the award-winning author of the Amazon Best-Seller Falling for Money, a romance novel for your bank account. Named one of the 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders in the country, she has been featured in USA TODAY, as well as by Apple, Contactually and Evernote for her creative leadership with emerging technologies.
Posted On Monday, 26 September 2022 00:00 Written by
"Don’t do that!” With the preseason now out of the way and the 2022 NFL regular season going strong, you hear coaches still screaming to their players to NOT tackle or block leading with the crown of their helmet. Too many players still drop their heads when they prepare to tackle or block. Hall of Fame Coach Don Shula – 33 years in the NFL – always coached his players to “see what you hit.” Helmet-to-helmet contact is often called “targeting” and is subject to disqualification. Runners will often lower their heads when about to be tackled thereby bracing themselves for the impending blow. This makes it difficult for the oncoming tackler to avoid head-to-head contact.
Many players have suffered life-threatening cervical spine injuries with helmet-to-helmet contact.  For many, playing football becomes out of the question. Football at all levels is full of physical — some say brutal — contact.…
Posted On Friday, 23 September 2022 00:00 Written by
I know full well that people are generally averse to change of any kind. Life would just be simpler if everything that is working stayed the same, and these individuals also tend to abide by the phrase “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The problem is that “broke” in that phrase too often implies that a current system that is in place at a business or organization is unshakable solely because it works. Just because something “works” doesn’t mean it will work forever, and more often than not, a business leader using agility alone to innovate and operate will wait until a stronger, more efficient system disrupts the organization’s process before they take action. I have written at length about how disruptive change happens from the outside-in if you operate with an agile mindset alone. What I want all business leaders and c-Suite executives to transition to is an…
Posted On Tuesday, 20 September 2022 00:00 Written by
We have seen extreme amounts of volatility in the rate market, and it becomes increasing difficult for clients and referral partners to deal with it. Nobody has a crystal ball, and despite all the charts, graphs, and trend lines, it is still impossible to know what is going to happen in the rate market in a particular time frame. That is why for the last year or so I have shared with everyone I speak with the philosophy of “if you like it and the payment works, LOCK IT and move on!” You can always refinance later down the road if the rate market relaxes, and you are protected against the market moving against you. One of the things we can control is about how interest rates are only one piece of the payment puzzle, and that there are other considerations to think about beyond just the interest rate of…
Posted On Monday, 19 September 2022 00:00 Written by
As we begin this school year with our young people back in their seats, the question becomes can we as parents and teachers be more tolerant and understanding of their emotional needs after the long years of pandemic causing such havoc? As a school principal, I have often reminded classroom teachers that they are coaches as well as teachers. I raised four young people in my early days as a parent – well, I should say their mother did most of the day-to-day teaching as I was all too often in the classroom or on the field raising/teaching other people’s children. I’ve had to remind myself that all children are not the same.
While the coach on the field/gym may have one or two assistants to divide up the teaching responsibilities, the classroom teacher is often left to herself to deal with 30-40 in that classroom. How do…
Posted On Friday, 16 September 2022 00:00 Written by
From healthcare and manufacturing to marketing and engineering, we are still seeing nearly five different generations share the workforce across all industries. While the average age of any level employee is certainly decreasing, there is no question that many individuals 55 and older are not only staying in their positions but are also emerging from retirement in a part-time fashion. Generational differences and an often unspoken “Generational War” are topics touched on by many, but few have a solution to. This is due to the anthropological complexities of how humans interact, especially those varying in age by years and, more often than not, decades.
However, the most common assumption has been that the real obstacle facing business leaders and the Generational War is technology. Even further, educators and leaders have set this benchmark on the younger generation as being well-versed in technology and the older ones being inept. But this is no…
Posted On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 13:00 Written by
  Join Krisstina and Terri Murphy for their FREE Money Mondays webinars!  Click here to sign up.  Krisstina Wise is a real estate mogul, Millionaire Coach, and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses including Goodlife Luxury, The Paperless Agent and most recently, WealthyWellthy. She is also an international speaker and the award-winning author of the Amazon Best-Seller Falling for Money, a romance novel for your bank account. Named one of the 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders in the country, she has been featured in USA TODAY, as well as by Apple, Contactually and Evernote for her creative leadership with emerging technologies.
Posted On Monday, 12 September 2022 00:00 Written by
Too many people lose business because they don’t pay attention to their connections! Absence does NOT make the heart grow fonder; it makes it look in new directions. Loan officers are notorious for “assuming” relationships instead of nurturing them! Prime example is that many originators loose touch with their contacts, preapproved borrowers, and closed clients at an alarming rate. I have seen firsthand that very few people schedule the follow-up or even have a written follow-up procedure for each stage of their relationships. The lost income from those lost relationships is often far more than what that originator makes each year! Imagine that you could double your income if you had a follow-up procedure you followed? I just ran into a group in the past few weeks that literally would DELETE follow-up tasks that were scheduled, just to clear the schedule! Yup! Just delete the task instead of doing the…
Posted On Monday, 12 September 2022 00:00 Written by
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