How Can You Dress For Success In Real Estate?

Written by Posted On Thursday, 04 October 2018 20:37
How Can You Dress For Success In Real Estate? Pexels

Is there something true about dressing for success? Almost all companies or businesses had a dress code, but Casual Fridays, legal challenges, and relaxed attitudes have reduced dress regulations.

The real estate entrepreneurs are no exception to changing dress codes for success. Some brokerages had logo-colored jackets; others required suits for men and suits/dresses for women (women's trousers were not okay). Now, such clothes are outdated.

Arguments that "professional attire" invoke confidence in clients to continue, in some real estate markets. Where suit-and-tie business attire is still ok, metropolitan areas and when working with higher income/higher power clients.

What's going on in real estate?

First reactions - In some areas, formal dress is suitable for a first meeting whereas it may be seen as over-the-top or intimidating in other areas. A trained image expert recommends that clothes for men and women real estate brokers should show the tastes of their customers.

Hints for suitable clothing
What tips does your client/brokerage location suggest? If your brokerage firm does not have required dress restrictions, look at what your clients and your competitors in your area wear as guidelines for your dress-for-success plan.

Dressing for success with the work is untidy.

There are times when an agent has to maneuver properties. Property examinations are part of the business, and you should dress suitably for these events.

There will also be times when the grubby agent needs to meet a customer, ASAP. Sometimes it is not possible to change or refresh yourself before the meeting, but a quick confession and apology goes a long way toward easing an embarrassing moment. Clients can be empathetic.

Too far-fetched...

Some styles convey too much of an, "I'd rather be on vacation," attitude. T-shirts, flip-flops, and shorts are still regarded with disfavor among many companies, including real estate. Warm temperatures can undoubtedly influence the choice of attire at times, but casual, simple clothes and footwear can be too much for even the most comfortable office atmosphere.

Clients also respond less favorably with agents whose style of hair, clothes, etc is too outdated and messy. Excessively flashy, provocative, or poorly fitting clothes are inappropriate at any time.

The best dressed you

Good grooming is equal to being well dressed. You may have been rushing around but do comb your hair, straighten your clothes, and dust shoes. This is the most casual level; every agent should present a clean appearance. (Think of your reaction to being addressed by a messy service person!) Cleanliness and good grooming matter which cannot be negotiated. One fashion accessory you cannot go without is the watch. However, since real estate agents are very busy and are trying to make the very most out of the day, many real estate agents are now using a smartphone watch. These smartphone watches allow the real estate agent to phone their clients and buyers, take and send photos, and handle emails and SMS messages.

Having a positive self-image gives clients a greater sense of self-confidence in working with you. Negative body language and self-image do not inspire confidence in real estate.

Today, there are no rigid rules for how to dress for success as a real estate broker. One style does not work for every agent and brokerage. Take the more conservative way at the start and adjust from there. The clean, approachable, confident, adaptive you are sure to be successful in real estate.

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