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Different Types of Fire Pits - Keeping Cozy

Written by Posted On Wednesday, 07 November 2018 09:36

There are different designs of fire pits available in the market. It is necessary to check on the different designs available and compare them so that you can buy the best for you. They come in different designs aimed at helping you achieve great success in your home improvement. Common types of fire pits include the following:

Different Types of Fire Pits


1. Wood Burning Fire Pits

They are made in a design which will make you enjoy having a campfire in your backyard. The wood burning fire pit provides warmth and can burn wood to allow you cook with addition of few accessories. The wood burning fire pits come in different designs which you should take note. You can have wood burning grills which can be used to cook food. Outdoor fireplaces are designed to enhance the look of your patio. For the case of brick stone fire pit, you can easily build them in a DIY project so that you can have a place where you can light fire outdoors when relaxing with family members.


2. Propane Fire Pits

They are built to offer homeowners great convenience when lighting fires outdoors. The quality of flame achieved is great and you will not have to refill gel or wood. They come in different designs such as portable fire pits which can be carried to different locations. It is a fire pit with a copper covering. Copper has high melting point hence it can be a great material for the fire pit construction. The fire pit table is a propane powered fire pit with a construction which mimics the design of a table top.


3. Gel Fuel Fire Pits

They are fire pits which use gel as a source of fuel. They come in different types such as gel fuel logs. The gel fuel logs are designed in a form of burning log but the fire is concealed inside the log. Tabletop fireplace powered by gel mimics the shape of a tabletop fireplace but the source of fuel is gel. Richard’s Total Backyard Solutions says that table top gel fireplaces are available in both outdoor designs as well as indoor designs.


4. Natural Gas Fire Pits

If you can have natural gas piping in your backyard, then you can proceed and have natural gas fire pits. The fire pits comes in different designs such as sunken design which is a case where the fire pit is built into a patio or the ground. Square, table top, and round designs allow the copper covering or the brick construction bear the respective shapes.


What are the different types of fire pits? The above are common types of fire pits you can install in your outdoors. Make sure you complete thorough research prior to selecting your fire pit.

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Moira Sanchez

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