Choosing Between Android and iOS: Which Is Best for You and Why?

Written by Posted On Thursday, 14 February 2019 23:40

If you’re wondering about the Android vs iOS debate, then you’re not the only one. Apple Inc. launched its iOS on 29 July 2007. At the time, the iPhone – supported with its exclusive iOS – eclipsed its competition, such as Nokia Symbian and Windows Mobile, because its user-friendly interface became a hit. On September 23, 2008, Google released its Android operating system. The two Silicon Valley tycoons and their OS’s have been neck and neck ever since. 

Google’s Android is a Linux-based open-source OS. This makes it more customizable and flexible. Whereas the iOS comes with more of a uniform design and offers limited customisability.

We’ll take on the Android vs iOS debate by discussing different aspects of the technologies and how they impact user experience.

Ease of Use and Customisability 

If you’re looking for the right smartphone, you might ask, ‘which phone is easier to use, the iPhone or an Android phone?’ The truth is that both Android and iOS devices hold up pretty well in terms of user-friendly phones. Many think that the iPhone is better because ‘it just works’. That may have been true in the early days, but Android devices today are up to par.

Customizability is Android’s strongest feature. It has helped the OS develop a loyal customer base. On the flip side, the iOS supported iPhone is great if you’re happy with what you get. It gives you limited flexibility and control over your device. Android makes it much easier to do things like change your phone’s home-screen set up, add widgets, change default apps, customize appearance, etc.

Android vs iOS Apps 

If you want to look at the Android vs iOS discussion from the perspective of apps that are available on each platform, then here are the approximate numbers:

Android apps: 2.1 million

iOS apps: 2 million

        Google Play Store vs Apple App Store 

Majority of the popular apps are available on both operating systems; therefore, the availability of apps really isn’t much of a problem for Android or iOS users. Developers used to prefer releasing apps on the iOS platform but that reality is changing quickly as Android’s market share increases steadily.

If we take a look at the Play Store and compare it to the App Store, then you’ll find that more free apps are available on Google Play. With that said, some of the best mobile games tend to debut on iOS. Additionally, the App Store’s browsing experience is much smoother. Your preference in terms of apps for the iPhone or Android will, therefore, depend on how you’re going to use your device.


Today, many of us heavily rely on map apps to navigate our way through unfamiliar territory. In the early days, iPhones were equipped with Google Maps. In 2012, Apple launched its own navigation tool, Apple Maps, which was criticized for being unreliable and had a lot of bugs. 

Apple Maps were such a disaster that the company issued a public apology for the problems in its app. Ever since the split, Google Maps rocketed to success and is still considered to be a reliable navigation tool. Apple has since greatly improved its maps but hasn’t been able to sway public opinion in its favor. Google Maps is available on iOS but does not run as smoothly as it does on Android phones.

Android vs iOS Battery Life 

Battery life and power usage is an important factor to consider. Android phones are normally equipped with larger batteries as compared to iPhones. Android phones tend to run apps in the background, sometimes constantly, this is why a larger battery is necessary so the phone can be powered for a considerable amount of time. iPhones may not be equipped with the most powerful battery, but the phone is optimized in such a way that it minimizes power drainage and gets you a decent amount of screen time.

iPhones and Android smartphones let you monitor your battery usage. Android phones also let you know how much battery life you have remaining. Both devices offer battery saving modes which disable certain features to make your phone’s battery last longer.

If you compare Android phones and iPhones from a similar price range, then the Android’s battery will almost always outlast the iPhone’s.

Android vs iOS – Multitasking 

Android phones allow multitasking. Multiple apps can run in the background and you can easily switch between recently used apps. The applications can run according to schedule, from boot up and perform whatever tasks needed in the background.

Apple’s iOS limits app-multitasking to a great degree. Apart from certain APIs like push notifications etc. and a few of Apple’s own apps, your current application will stop running when you open another one.
Ios’s strictness in this aspect gives the iPhone an advantage: the battery lasts longer and the user interface runs smoothly. This works in favor of the phone because, as discussed in the point above, iPhone batteries doesn’t pack as much juice as an Android phone’s.

Android vs iOS – Security 

We can talk about your phone’s security in two contexts. The first is how well your Android phone or iPhone is protected against malware, viruses and cyber theft. The other is your data security. We’ll take a look at both separately

Protection from Malware and Viruses 

People today use their phones for almost everything: from online shopping to banking and more. As our phones are becoming gatekeepers of sensitive data, it is more important than ever before to have software that protects all this information from malicious attacks and breaches.

When it comes down to Android vs iPhone, the general consensus is that iOS supported phones are more secure because the OS is a closed system, unlike the Android’s open-source one.

Additionally, the popularity of Android phones is its Achilles’ heel because its wide spread influence makes it a bigger, more attractive target for cyber-attacks.

With all that said, iPhones aren’t foolproof either. Downloading from third-party app stores could harm your iPhone. And when it comes to more advanced social engineering attacks, neither your iPhone nor you Android phone is completely safe.

Data Security

In a world where data rules, companies have been under fire for using/selling user data for marketing and profit. In the age of information technology and connectivity, it’s becoming impossible to monitor who’s using your data or who’s selling it. Despite the current climate, some sources state that Google’s Android collects up to 10 times more data from its users than Apple’s iPhones. Apple’s privacy policy is much more transparent on this front. If data privacy is a concern for you, then an iPhone could prove to the lesser of two evils.

Let’s Break it Down

If you’re more into customization and flexibility, then an Android phone would suit you more. If a price is a factor that concerns you, then you’ll easily find a decent quality budget Android phone. You could even check out the market for used phones. You’ll be able to find the best used Android phone on the market through trusted online or traditional brick-and-mortar companies.

On the flip side, if you’re already an iPhone user and prefer the interface along with the services offered by Apple, then you should stick with the iOS-powered device in the future, too.

Whether or not you should switch also depends on how heavily you’ve invested on either platform. If you purchased apps and services exclusive to Google Play or the Apple App Store, then be more cautious about switching platforms. If you’ve decided to opt for an iPhone but are a little put off by the high prices, you could always buy a used iPhone. Survey the market, compare differently used iPhones or even different used Android phones and take your pick!

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Catherine Nichols

Catherine Nicholas is a blogger. She usually writes informative and creative blogs about digital marketing, mobile phone technology and parenting tips. To have a chat with her, you can email at [email protected]

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